ePortal Labeled Controls

The default ASP web forms controls do not automatically provide labels; a label must be provided by a separate asp:label control. Converserly, ClearPath ePortal provides versions of many standard ASP Web Forms controls that do, optionally, include labels. These controls are referred to as labeled controls.

All of the ePortal labeled controls support the following properties:

Property Name


Possible Values and Notes


The location of the label relative to the actual control, or None to omit the label.

None: The label is omitted.

Front: The label appears before the control.

Back: The label appears after the control.

Group: The label is rendered as a legend HTML element, and a fieldset HTML element surrounds the controls.

Note: Group only applies to the ePortal:RadioButtonList and ePortal:CheckBoxList controls.


The text of the label.

Defaults to an empty string.


An optional CSS class to apply to the label to style the label appearance.



The padding between the label and the control.

This value is entered in pixels. The default value is 5px.

The ePortal labeled controls are described below.


The ePortal:CheckBoxList control renders an ordered list of checkboxes on the web page. The user can select zero or more items from the list by checking the associated checkbox. This control is based on the asp:CheckBoxList control, with extensions to support an optional label and a binary result.

For information on the asp:CheckBoxList control, see the MSDN reference topic at https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.web.ui.webcontrols.checkboxlist(v=vs.110).aspx.

In addition to the common and inherited properties, this control includes the following properties:

Property Name


Possible Values and Notes


The type of result that the Text property represents.

BinaryString - The Text property is a string of binary values.

Standard -  The Text property represents the first selected value, if any.


The value for the control.

If ResultStyle is BinaryString, then Text is a string representation of a binary value, constructed from the checked/unchecked state of each checkbox in the list. For example, a checkbox list with four checkboxes in a state that is "Checked/Checked/Unchecked/Checked", the value is "1101".

If ResultStyle is Standard, then Text is a string representation of SelectedValue. If no items are checked, this is the empty string. If multiple items are checked, this is the string value of the first item checked.


The ePortal:ComboBox control renders a dropdown list or list box, along with a textbox where free form input is allowed.

In addition to the common and inherited properties, this control includes the following properties:

Property Name


Possible Values and Notes


Text that acts as a short hint (a word or a short phrase) intended to aid the user when entering data into the text box.



The type of text to appear in the text box.

The Type attribute may be used by some browsers to perform further validation or to tailor the input process to the type of data being requested.



A value that indicates whether the text box supports automatic correction.

Note: This property applies to iOS only.

Defaults to an empty string.

This is the value of the HTML5 autocorrect attribute; typical values are "on" or "off."


A value that indicates whether the text box supports automatic capitalization.

Note: This property applies to iOS only.

Defaults to an empty string.

This is the value of the HTML5 autocapitalize attribute; typical values are:

  • "none"

  • "sentences"

  • "words"

  • "characters"


A value that indicates whether the text box supports automatic completion.

Defaults to an empty string.

This is the value of the HTML5 autocomplete attribute; typical values are "on" or "off."


A value that indicates how the list portions should be displayed: as a dropdown list or listbox.

DropDown - Displays the list as a dropdown list.

ListBox - Displays the list as a listbox.


The number of rows to display if DisplayStyle is set to ListBox.



The ePortal:DropDownList control renders a dropdown list. This control is based on the asp:DropDownList control, with extensions to support an optional label.

For information on the asp:DropDownList control, see the MSDN reference topic at https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.web.ui.webcontrols.dropdownlist(v=vs.110).aspx.


The ePortal:Label control renders a read-only string (for example, the text value of an output field). This control is based on the asp:Label control, but with extensions to support an optional label for the output text.

For information on the asp:Label control, see the MSDN reference topic at https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.web.ui.webcontrols.label(v=vs.110).aspx.


The ePortal:ListBox control renders a listbox. This control is based on the asp:ListBox control, with extensions to support an optional label.

For information on the asp:ListBox control, see the MSDN reference topic at https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.web.ui.webcontrols.listbox(v=vs.110).aspx.


The ePortal:RadioButtonList control renders an ordered list of radio buttons. The user can select at most one item from the list. This control is based on the asp:RadioButtonList control, with extensions to support an optional label.

For information on the asp:RadioButtonList control, see the MSDN reference at https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.web.ui.webcontrols.radiobuttonlist(v=vs.110).aspx.


The ePortal:TextBox control renders a textbox where free form input is allowed. This control is based on the asp:TextBox control, with extensions to support an optional label and validation parameters. For details on the validation parameters, refer to Validation Performed by HTML5-Compatible Browsers.

For information on the asp:TextBox control, see the MSDN reference topic at https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.web.ui.webcontrols.textbox(v=vs.110).aspx.

In addition to the common and inherited properties, this control includes the following properties:

Property Name


Possible Values and Notes


Text that acts as a short hint (a word or a short phrase) intended to aid the user when entering data into the text box.



The type of text to appear in the text box.

If MultiLine is selected, an HTML textarea is rendered to allow multiple lines of input. Otherwise, an HTML input tag is rendered with the specified type attribute.

The Type attribute may be used by some browsers to perform further validation or to tailor the input process to the type of data being requested.



A value that indicates whether the text box supports automatic correction.

Note: This property applies to iOS only.

Defaults to an empty string.

This is the value of the HTML5 autocorrect attribute; typical values are "on" or "off."


A value that indicates whether the text box supports automatic capitalization.

Note: This property applies to iOS only.

Defaults to an empty string.

This is the value of the HTML5 autocapitalize attribute; typical values are:

  • "none"

  • "sentences"

  • "words"

  • "characters"


A value that indicates whether the text box supports automatic completion.

Defaults to an empty string.

This is the value of the HTML5 autocomplete attribute; typical values are "on" or "off."