── START AND WAIT ── <file title> ─────────────────────────────────────► ►─┬────────────────────────────────────┬───────────────────────────────► └─ ( ── <start parameter list> ── ) ─┘ ►─┬─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┬──┤ └─ [ ── <Boolean identifier> ─┬─────────────────────────────┬─ ] ─┘ └─ , ── <Boolean identifier> ─┘
The START AND WAIT statement initiates a second job as a dependent task within a WFL job and waits for the dependent task to complete. The first Boolean identifier is set to true if the WFL job compiles and the dependent task initiates successfully. The second Boolean identifier is set to true if the dependent task completes successfully.
The FOR SYNTAX phrase is not allowed.
A task identifier cannot be associated with the dependent task.
The STARTTIME specification cannot be used.
An ABORT statement causes the dependent task and the parent job to terminate. To terminate only the dependent task, use ABORT [MYSELF].
The START AND WAIT statement cannot be used in a PROCESS statement.
The restrictions and behavior of the dependent task are similar to those of a bit 38 set in a CONTROLCARD ZIP WITH ARRAY call (request type 4). For more information, refer to the CONTROLCARD function in the DCALGOL Reference Manual. The restrictions include the following:
References to MYJOB and inheritance of attributes normally inherited from a job might behave differently since they refer to the parent job.
The dependent task performs no job rollout. Consequently, if the parent job is restarted, the dependent task is reinitiated from the beginning of the job.