<create libmaintdir statement>
── CREATE LIBMAINTDIR ──<options>── FROM ──<tape name>─────────────────► ►─┬─────────────────────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────┤ └─ ( ──<tape attributes>── ) ─┘
──┬───────────────────────────────────────┬────────────────────────────┤ │ ┌◄──────────────────────────────────┐ │ └─┴─┬─ & ───┬─┬─/1\─ REPORT ────────┬─┴─┘ └─ AND ─┘ └─/1\─┬─ DSONERROR ───┤ └─ WAITONERROR ─┘
┌◄────────────────────── , ─────────────────────┐ ──┴─┬─/1\─┬─────────────┬─ TAPE ────────────────┬─┴────────────────────┤ │ └─ KIND ── = ─┘ │ ├─/1\─ SERIALNO ── = ──<serial number list>─┤ ├─/1\─ FAMILYOWNER ── = ─┬─ "" ─────────────┤ │ ├─ * ──────────────┤ │ └─<usercode>───────┤ ├─/1\─ AUTOUNLOAD ── = ─┬─ ON ──────────────┤ │ ├─ OFF ─────────────┤ │ └─ DONTCARE ────────┤ ├─/1\─ CYCLE ── = ──<integer expression>────┤ └─/1\─ VERSION ── = ──<integer expression>──┘
The CREATE LIBMAINTDIR statement is used to recreate the LIBMAINTDIR tape directory disk file for a tape or set of tapes when the original LIBMAINTDIR file for those tapes has been accidentally removed or damaged or is not located at the site. When library maintenance executes the CREATE LIBMAINTDIR statement, it places the new copy of the LIBMAINTDIR tape directory disk file on the disk family assigned with the DL LIBMAINTDIR system command.
Note: | You cannot use CREATE LIBMAINTDIR to build a LIBMAINTDIR tape directory disk file for a library maintenance tape that was not originally copied with the tape attribute LIBMAINTDIR = TRUE. |
Caution For tape volumes containing large numbers of files, the CREATE LIBMAINTDIR operation can be slow to complete and can cause unwanted CPM consumption. Unisys strongly recommends that you maintain a backup of the DL LIBMAINTDIR family in order to avoid unwanted system resource usage. |
When the tape name includes a <string primary>, embedded periods will terminate the tape name unless the entire name is enclosed in quotes.
The following table describes the options available in the CREATE LIBMAINTDIR statement. No statement options are required. You can specify REPORT with either DSONERROR or with WAITONERROR, or by itself. You can specify either DSONERROR or WAITONERROR alone; you cannot specify them together.
Option |
Description |
The DSONERROR option causes library maintenance to terminate with a DS response if any errors occur. In this case, library maintenance removes the new LIBMAINTDIR file from the disk. |
The REPORT option causes library maintenance to print a report of any errors encountered. |
The WAITONERROR option causes library maintenance to issue an RSVP message whenever an error occurs. Examples of possible errors include:
The RSVP message halts library maintenance until the operator or programmer responds with OK or DS. A response of OK causes library maintenance to continue building the LIBMAINTDIR disk file. A response of DS causes library maintenance to terminate building the LIBMAINTDIR disk file. |
If you specify any file attribute not listed here for a tape used as input to a CREATE LIBMAINTDIR process, then either the WFL compiler issues a syntax error for that attribute or library maintenance ignores the value you specified for that attribute.
The following table describes the CREATE LIBMAINTDIR tape attributes you can use:
Option |
Description |
Identifies the specific tapes to be read and the order they should be read. The serial numbers specified and the order in which they are specified, should be the same as the set of tapes originally created. |
Indicates the usercode of the owner of a tape volume. If you specify a usercode with the FAMILYOWNER attribute, then library maintenance searches for the named tape owned by that usercode. If you do not specify the FAMILYOWNER attribute or you specify the null string (" "), then library maintenance searches for the named tape owned by the usercode of the library maintenance process. If you specify an asterisk (*) for the FAMILYOWNER attribute, then library maintenance searches for the named tape owned by the * usercode. Library maintenance ignores the FAMILYOWNER attribute if the Security Accountability Facility software is not installed, or the TAPECHECK option of the SECOPT system command is not set to AUTOMATIC. |
Determines whether a tape is unloaded when it is released by library maintenance during a reel switch or a file close operation. If the value is ON, the tape is rewound and unloaded. If the value is OFF, the tape is not unloaded. If the value is DONTCARE or not specified, the tape behavior is controlled by the setting of the AUTOUNLOAD option of the MODE (Unit Mode) system command. Refer to the System Operations Guide for further information. If a reel is switched during a COPY AND COMPARE operation, intermediate reels are not unloaded until the COMPARE phase is finished regardless of the AUTOUNLOAD value. |
Designates the specific generation of a tape volume family. This file attribute is used in conjunction with the VERSION attribute. The default value is 1. |
Designates the successive iteration of the same generation of a tape volume. This file attribute is used in conjunction with the CYCLE attribute. The default value is 0. |
In the following example, a LIBMAINTDIR directory was originally created for the set of tapes in the following COPY statement:
The following statement will read those tapes and create a new copy of the original LIBMAINTDIR tape directory disk file: