Running WFL jobs can initiate other WFL jobs through the WFL START statement, which is described in detail in Statements.The WFL START statement has the same effect as the CANDE START statement.
Only jobs stored on disk can be initiated by the START statement. Such a job can include any of the WFL constructs defined in this manual.
Once the job has been started, it has no further connection with its parent job. Discontinuing the parent job does not affect the job that was started from it, and termination of the started job also does not affect the parent job.
Any messages generated by the started job are directed to the same source as messages from the parent job. For example, if the parent job is initiated from CANDE, then messages from both the parent job and the job started by the parent job would appear at the originating terminal.
Note: | The started job inherits the usercode and family assigned to the parent job unless the started job includes USERCODE or FAMILY job attribute specifications. |