ARCHIVE Tape Volume Attribute List

<archive tape volume attribute list>

      ┌◄───────────────────────── , ─────────────────────────┐
── ( ─┴─┬─/1\─ AUTOUNLOAD ── = ─┬─ ON ─────────────────────┬─┴─ ) ─────┤
        │                       ├─ OFF ────────────────────┤
        │                       └─ DONTCARE ───────────────┤
        ├─/1\─ BLOCKSIZE ── = ──<integer>──────────────────┤
        ├─/1\─ COMPRESSIONCONTROL ── = ─┬─ USER ───────────┤
        │                               └─ SYSTEM ─────────┤
        ├─/1\─ COMPRESSIONREQUESTED ─┬─────────────────────┤
        │                            └─ = ──<Boolean Exp>──┤
        ├─/1\─ DENSITY ── = ─┬─ BPI1250 ───────────────────┤
        │                    ├─ BPI11000 ──────────────────┤
        │                    ├─ FMTAIT ────────────────────┤
        │                    ├─ FMTAIT2 ───────────────────┤
        │                    ├─ FMTDDS ────────────────────┤
        │                    ├─ FMTDDS2 ───────────────────┤
        │                    ├─ FMTDDS3 ───────────────────┤
        │                    ├─ FMTDDS4 ───────────────────┤
        │                    ├─ FMTDDS5 ───────────────────┤
        │                    ├─ FMTDLT10 ──────────────────┤
        │                    ├─ FMTDLT20 ──────────────────┤
        │                    ├─ FMTDLT35 ──────────────────┤
        │                    ├─ FMTDLT40 ──────────────────┤
        │                    ├─ FMTDLT160 ─────────────────┤
        │                    ├─ FMTDLT300 ─────────────────┤
        │                    ├─ FMTST9840 ─────────────────┤
        │                    ├─ FMTST9840C ────────────────┤
        │                    ├─ FMTST9940 ─────────────────┤
        │                    ├─ FMTLTO ────────────────────┤
        │                    └─ FLMTO3 ────────────────────┤
        ├─/1\─ ENCRYPT ──── = ─┬─ NO ──────────────────────┤
        │                      ├─ AES256 ──────────────────┤
        │                      ├─ AESGCM ──────────────────┤
        │                      └─ TDES ────────────────────┤
        ├─/1\─ ENCRYPTVERSION ─ = ─┬─ V1 ──────────────────┤
        │                          └─ V2 ──────────────────┤
        ├─/1\─ FAMILYOWNER ── = ─┬─ "" ────────────────────┤
        │                        ├─ * ─────────────────────┤
        │                        └─<usercode>──────────────┤
        ├─/1\─┬─────────────┬─ TAPE ───────────────────────┤
        │     └─ KIND ── = ─┘                              │
        ├─/1\─┬─ LIBMAINTAPPEND ── = ─┬─ NO ───────────────┤
        │     │                       └─ TOEND ────────────┤
        │     └─ LIBMAINTDIR ─┬────────────────────────────┤
        │                     └─ = ──<Boolean Exp>─────────┤
        ├─/1\─ LOCATECAPABLE ── = ─┬─ ON ──────────────────┤
        │                          ├─ OFF ─────────────────┤
        │                          └─ DONTCARE ────────────┤
        ├─/1\─ OFFSITE ─┬──────────────────────────────────┤
        │               └─ = ──<Boolean Exp>───────────────┤
        ├─/1\─ SAVEFACTOR ── = ──<integer expression>──────┤
        ├─/1\─ SECURITYGUARD ── = ──<guard file title>─────┤
        ├─/1\─ SECURITYTYPE ── = ──<file mnemonic primary>─┤
        ├─/1\─ SECURITYUSE ── = ──<file mnemonic primary>──┤
        ├─/1\─┬─ SERIALNO ── = ──<serial number list>──────┤
        │     └─ SCRATCHPOOL ── = ──<scratch pool name>────┤
        └─/1\─ USECATALOG ─┬───────────────────────────────┤
                           └─ = ──<Boolean Exp>────────────┘

<scratch pool name>

── <name> ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤


You can specify the following attributes for the archive tape volume attribute list:









  • KIND













Determines whether or not a tape is unloaded when it is released by the system during a reel switch or a file close operation. If the value is ON, the tape is rewound and unloaded. If the value is OFF, the tape is not unloaded. If the value is DONTCARE, or if this attribute is not specified, the tape behavior is controlled by the setting of the AUTOUNLOAD option of the MODE (Unit Mode) system command. For more information, refer to the System Commands Reference.


Specifies the tape blocksize in words that library maintenance uses when copying files to and from tape. Library maintenance automatically rounds the value you specify up to an integer multiple of 900 words. If you specify a value larger than 64800 words, library maintenance uses 64800 instead. If you specify a value greater than 4500 words for a tape destination, then library maintenance automatically uses that blocksize for all disks involved in the operation.

Using the same blocksize for the source and all the destinations greatly improves the performance of the copy task. Using a larger blocksize increases the amount of data that can be stored on any given tape volume.

  • Certain magnetic tape devices have limits on the maximum length I/O they can process. If you specify a blocksize larger than the limit for a tape device, library maintenance automatically reduces the blocksize to a valid value for that tape destination.

  • If you do not specify BLOCKSIZE for a tape, library maintenance uses the default value established by the SYSOPS LMBLOCKSIZE system command; or if the default is zero (0), library maintenance uses a small default blocksize that it selects for each tape and disk.


Enables you to control whether compression will be applied to the volume being created.

There are two values associated with this attribute:

  • USER


When the value of USER is selected, compression will occur based on the value of the COMPRESSIONREQUESTED file attribute. When the value SYSTEM is selected, compression will occur based on the compression value in the tape label. SYSTEM is the default value. For further information, refer to the File Attributes Programming Reference Manual.


This attribute only has significance for tape files when the COMPRESSIONCONTROL attribute is set to a value of USER.



Note: Stating COMPRESSIONREQUESTED in a WFL statement implies COMPRESSIONREQUESTED = TRUE. For further information, refer to the File Attributes Programming Reference Manual.


Indicates the recording density of a magnetic tape volume. The default value is the density setting of the tape unit selected.


Specifies that library maintenance encrypt the data it writes to the specified destination tape. The following three encryption algorithms are provided:

  • TDES

  • AES256


To use AESGCM, Media Encryption Version 2 is required.

If you specify LIBMAINTAPPEND, then library maintenance ignores the ENCRYPT setting and instead uses the original ENCRYPT value for that set of tapes.

The LOADER cannot read encrypted library maintenance tapes.

You cannot specify ENCRYPT for a source tape. Library maintenance automatically decrypts data when reading from an encrypted tape, so you can use a simple COPY statement to copy files from an encrypted tape:

COPY ... files ... FROM <tape name>;


Specifies the Media Encryption Version to be used. This overrides the value of the SYSOPS LMDEFENCRYPT version.

  • V1

  • V2


Indicates the usercode of the owner of a tape volume family. If you do not use the FAMILYOWNER attribute or if you specify a null string (" "), the usercode of the archive process is used. If you specify an asterisk (*) with the FAMILYOWNER attribute, the tape volume becomes a nonusercoded volume.

Note: This attribute applies only to installations running the Security Accountability Facility software.


Specifies the kind of peripheral unit to use. KIND can be TAPE or CD (or CDROM).


This attribute is used by library maintenance in the copy procedure.

  • Library maintenance does not update the tape directories on any reels already copied with the file names of the files being added. Library maintenance only updates the LIBMAINTDIR tape directory disk files with the names of the new files.

  • The message BACKUP START ON: data and time appears in the PD display for files that have archive backups. This message refers to the time of the original task that started the tape. It does not refer to the start time of the task with LIBMAINTAPPEND = TOEND specified.


If you specify LIBMAINTAPPEND = NO, or do not specify LIBMAINTAPPEND, the copy procedure copies to a new tape.


If you specify LIBMAINTAPPEND = TOEND, library maintenance searches for an existing library maintenance tape with the name and serial number you specify. The tape you specify must be a tape created with the LIBMAINTDIR = TRUE specification. Library maintenance opens the LIBMAINTDIR disk file with the EXCLUSIVE file attribute set to TRUE. This prevents other archive, library maintenance, and FILEDATA processes from using that LIBMAINTDIR disk file while library maintenance is updating it. Library maintenance checks the LIBMAINTDIR tape directory disk file for that tape to determine the serial number of the last tape in that set of tapes. (Even if the tape contains no tape directory, it does contain a pointer to the LIBMAINTDIR file on disk, which is used to find the location of the end of the last file on the final tape.)

If necessary, library maintenance searches for that tape. Then library maintenance skips to the end of the last file copied to that tape and copies the files that you specified. The copy procedure expands the LIBMAINTDIR tape directory disk file for the tape with the names and status of all files copied to the LIBMAINTDIR file.

If an error occurs that stops the copy to the tape (for example, if the operator issues a <mix number> DS command to terminate the append task), then all the files successfully copied up to that point are on the tape and are listed in the LIBMAINTDIR file. However, no more files can be appended to the tape. Any attempt to use LIBMAINTAPPEND again to add more files to that tape is rejected with an error message.

The following conditions must be met to use LIBMAINTAPPEND = TOEND:

  • The destination tape must have been created by a COPY or ARCHIVE statement that specifies LIBMAINTDIR = TRUE for that tape.

  • You must specify & VERIFY for the append operation if the & VERIFY option was specified when the tape was originally created.

  • You must not specify & VERIFY for the append operation if the & VERIFY option was not specified when the tape was originally created.

When library maintenance copies files to a tape with LIBMAINTAPPEND = TOEND, it does not add the names of those files to the tape directory for the tape. You cannot use the TDIR system command or the FILEDATA utility TAPEDIR request to view the names of files copied to tape with LIBMAINTAPPEND = TOEND. Instead, use the FILEDATA utility LIBMAINTDIR modifier to view the names of all the files copied to a tape.

If you specify a list of tape serial numbers for the SERIALNO attribute, library maintenance takes special action. Library maintenance uses the first serial number in the list to locate any existing tapes in the set of tapes to which the files are to be added or appended. Library maintenance then reads the LIBMAINTDIR file for that tape to determine the serial number of the last tape volume in the set.

Library maintenance immediately opens that tape, if necessary, then uses the other serial numbers you supplied when it reaches the end of that tape.


The original tapes have the serial number 111111, 222222, and 333333, and the following COPY statement is specified:

COPY . . . TO <tape name> (LIBMAINTAPPEND = TOEND,
                          SERIALNO = (222222, "AAAAAA"));

The preceding COPY statement is processed as follows:

  • The tape with serial number 222222 opens and the LIBMAINTDIR file is read. It is determined that the tape 333333 is the last tape in the set.

  • Tape 222222 closes.

  • Tape 333333 opens.

  • Library maintenance moves to the end of the last file on tape 333333.

  • Library maintenance appends three new files to the end of tape 333333.

  • If tape 333333 fills before the copy operation completes, tape AAAAAA opens and the additional data is appended to tape AAAAAA.


This case works similarly to the LIBMAINTAPPEND = TOEND case except when an error occurs while copying to the tape. If an error occurs that stops the copy to the tape, then the system restores the LIBMAINTDIR file to where it was at the start of the append request. This means none of the files were appended to the tape. However, you can retry the append request.


Determines whether library maintenance should create a tape directory disk file on the DL LIBMAINTDIR disk family. The LIBMAINTDIR tape directory disk file describes the destination tape and the files copied to it. Library maintenance gives these files names of the form LIBMAINTDIR/<tape name>/<date>/<tape serialno>. It also puts them under the usercode that library maintenance is running under, or * if there is no usercode.

Library maintenance stores the following information in these files:

  • Serial numbers of the tapes used

  • Names of the files copied to those tapes

  • Certain other attributes of those files

You receive a report of the information in tape directory disk files by running the SYSTEM/FILEDATA utility program and using the following syntax:

<filedata modifier> LIBMAINTDIR = <disk file name>
Note: When you specify LIBMAINTDIR=TRUE, library maintenance writes the tape with ANSI87 labels.

Any attempt to purge a library maintenance tape for which there is a tape directory disk file resident on the DL LIBMAINTDIR disk family requires approval by the operator. When library maintenance or any other program overwrites a library maintenance tape for which there is a tape directory disk file resident on the DL LIBMAINTDIR disk family the system automatically removes that LIBMAINTDIR file.


Set the LOCATECAPABLE attribute to ON to indicate that the file requires a tape drive capable of processing the READ POSITION and LOCATE BLOCK ID tape commands for fast tape access.

If the assigned tape drive is locate capable, then library maintenance automatically takes advantage of this feature to do high-speed spacing in the following situations:

  • COMPARE Option

    Library maintenance uses the LOCATE BLOCK ID tape command to backspace to compare the file. If you receive a RECOPY REQUIRED message and respond “OK,” library maintenance uses LOCATE BLOCK ID to backspace to the beginning of that file to recopy the file. If you respond with “OF,” the file is erased.

  • ARCHIVE Directory for Destination Tapes

    For a tape that is locate capable, library maintenance stores the BLOCK ID of the start of each file it copies in the SYSTEM/ARCHIVE directory. If you specify LIBMAINTDIR = TRUE, library maintenance also stores BLOCK ID information in the LIBMAINTDIR directory.

  • ARCHIVE Directory for Source Tapes

If the original tape was created on a locate capable tape drive, then library maintenance uses the LOCATE BLOCK ID information found in the ARCHIVE directory to rapidly space up to each of the files to be copied.

Note: If you intend to add files to the tape later by specifying LIBMAINTAPPEND = TOEND, then specify LOCATECAPABLE = ON to get the correct type of tape unit.


When you specify OFFSITE for a tape destination, library maintenance updates the onsite/offsite status of that tape in the volume library or in the volume directory.

If library maintenance does not successfully copy a file to a destination tape, it purges the tape and does not update the onsite/offsite status for the tape.

If library maintenance successfully copies the files and OFFSITE is TRUE, then, it marks the archive entries for files copied to that tape as “offsite.” When library maintenance closes the tape, it updates the entry for the tape in the volume library or in the volume directory to indicate that the volume or volumes are “offsite.” If library maintenance successfully copies the files and OFFSITE is false, then, when library maintenance closes the tape, it updates the entry for the tape in the volume library or the volume directory to indicate that the volume or volumes are “onsite.”

Note: The volume library and volume directory entries are updated only at sites that use the OP + CATALOGING option and SECOPT TAPECHECK = AUTOMATIC option respectively.


Indicates the expiration date of a tape volume in terms of the number of days past the creation date. The default value for archive and library maintenance tapes is 30 days.

When an ARCHIVE backup, ARCHIVE ROLLOUT, or ARCHIVE MERGE request makes a backup copy of a file that already has four backup copies, the system replaces the backup copy that has the earliest expiration date. If the expiration dates are the same, the system replaces the backup copy that has the earliest creation date.


Identifies the guard file to be invoked for the tape volume if the SECURITYTYPE attribute is assigned a value of GUARDED or CONTROLLED. The default value is a null string (" "). For more information about guard files, refer to the MCP Security Overview and Implementation Guide.

Note: This attribute applies only to installations running the Security Accountability Facility software.


Identifies the tape volume security type. This attribute can have a value of PRIVATE (default), PUBLIC, GUARDED, or CONTROLLED. PRIVATE tape volumes can be accessed or overwritten only by their owners and privileged users. PUBLIC tape volumes can be accessed by tasks with any usercode, as limited by the setting of the SECURITYUSE attribute. The security of GUARDED and CONTROLLED tape volumes is determined by the guard file referenced by the SECURITYGUARD attribute.

Note: This attribute applies only to installations running the Security Accountability Facility software.


Specifies how a tape volume that is to be protected by the SECURITYTYPE attribute can be accessed by nonprivileged users using nonprivileged programs.

Note: This attribute applies only to installations running the Security Accountability Facility software.


Identifies the specific tape volumes to be used when copying files. This attribute does not have a default value. For more information, refer to Serial Number Assignment.


Identifies the scratch pool from which the tape is retrieved for archiving. The scratch pool name can be a 17‑character identifier. This attribute does not contain a default value.


If true, indicates that a listed tape in the volume library should be used. The archive procedure uses this attribute at cataloging installations only.