Overview of WFL

WFL is used for constructing jobs that compile or run programs. WFL is a true programming language with its own compiler that either produces an object code file used in running a job or executes a job interpretively. A WFL job is always recompiled each time it is run.

WFL can initiate programs that are written in any of the languages accepted on ClearPath MCP systems. It is a high-level language with flow-of-control structures and subroutines analogous to those found in ALGOL. However, WFL includes features related to task control that would be difficult or impossible to duplicate in any of the other available languages.

One advantage to initiating tasks through WFL instead of through CANDE or some other means is that a WFL job is automatically restarted if it is interrupted by a halt/load. This capability is discussed in Job Restart After a Halt/Load.

WFL accepts jobs from a large variety of sources. With a few exceptions, identical jobs can be presented to WFL from all of the available sources. Job Initiation describes the different sources from which WFL will accept jobs.

WFL supports the MultiLingual System (MLS). All error or warning messages given by the WFL compiler can be translated into another language with the Message Translation Utility. For more information, refer to the MultiLingual System Administration, Operations, and Programming Guide and the Message Translation Utility Operations Guide.

WFL and the MCP must be the same release level to function properly. If the release levels are not the same, WFL waits on an AX condition before freezing. It is possible to proceed with a mismatched WFL by entering AX OK, but unexpected results might occur. To declare a WFLSupport library that is the same release level as the MCP, use the System Library (SL) command. To terminate the waiting WFLSupport library, enter AX DS or use the Unlock (LP-) command and the Discontinue (DS) command.

The following pages outline the various capabilities of WFL and present example WFL jobs. While most of the WFL statements will be mentioned here, you should refer to Statements for a more complete description of a particular statement.