USERCODE Assignment

<usercode assignment>

── USERCODE ── = ─┬─ <usercode> ──┬───────────────────┬────────────────┤
                  │               └─ / ── <password> ─┤
                  └─ # ── <string primary> ───────────┘


The USERCODE attribute assigns a usercode and its associated privileges to a task. The password must be included if the usercode has a password associated with it.

The following assigns a null value to the USERCODE attribute:


For an explanation of string primaries, refer to Using String Primaries.

A password-aging feature is available through the InfoGuard Password Management facility. If the password-aging feature is enabled, the WFL compiler gives a warning if the usercode password specified for the job is in the warning state. An error is given if the password has expired. The password-aging feature is discussed further in the MCP Security Overview and Implementation Guide.

The USER statement changes the usercode of the job or processed subroutine. The password associated with the usercode of the job can be changed with the PASSWORD statement. These statements are described later in Statements.


The following is a simple USERCODE assignment:


The following example uses a string expression:


The following example takes the usercode value from a task variable:

TASK TASKVAR (USERCODE = RAJA/RANI);     % Task variable declaration 
RUN (WALLY)OBJECT/ALPHA;                 % Run statement with 
   USERCODE = #TASKVAR(USERCODE) / RANI; % usercode specification 
Note: A string task attribute primary (such as #TASKVAR(USERCODE), in the preceding example) gives the value of a usercode, but not its associated password. In this example, the password is given separately in the second USERCODE assignment.