The following example illustrates a complete WFL job:
?BEGIN JOB EXAMPLE (STRING TESTNAME,INTEGER TESTNUMBER); NAME=EXAMPLE/#STRING(TESTNUMBER,*); % Job attribute USERCODE = WFL/MANUAL; % Job attribute CLASS = 2; % Job attribute TASK TCOMP, TRUN; % Variable declaration COMPILE #(TESTNAME & STRING(TESTNUMBER,*))[TCOMP] WITH ALGOL[TRUN] GO; COMPILER DATA CARD % The COMPILE statement is BEGIN % followed by a local data INTEGER I; % specification containing the DISPLAY ("P IS RUNNING"); % program being compiled. DISPLAY ("NOW ABORT"); % For information about local I=I/0; % data specifications, see the END. % "Task Initiation" section. ? % End of data. IF TCOMP IS COMPILEDOK THEN % Displays message if compile DISPLAY "COMPILED OK" % is successful. ELSE ABORT "*DID NOT COMPILE"; % Aborts job if compile % fails. IF TRUN IS COMPLETEDOK THEN % Displays messages if run DISPLAY "RAN OK" % is successful; otherwise, ELSE ABORT "** RUN ABORTED"; % aborts job. ?END JOB.