┌◄──────────────── , ────────────────┐ ── ARCHIVE PURGE ─┴─┬─<long file name constant>──────┬─┴─ FROM ────────► └─<long directory name constant>─┘ ►─<archive disk volume>────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
This statement purges archive backup records from the archive directory without affecting resident or nonresident files in any way. The ARCHIVE PURGE statement does not affect catalog backup information.
Purging archive backup records serves to remove only references to backup files. To remove an actual resident disk file and all archive records associated with it, issue a REMOVE statement followed by an ARCHIVE PURGE statement. Both statements must identify the name of the target file. You can also refer to the REMOVE statement with the DESTROY option that is described later in this section.
If you remove a file, but you do not purge its corresponding archive backup records, other ARCHIVE statement operations will continue to search for that file. Searches for disk files that have been removed from disk, but for which archive backup records still exist, result in NO FILE conditions.
If your installation uses the archive AUTORESTORE feature, the archive subsystem responds to each NO FILE condition by reloading the missing archived files from tape.
The following example purges the entries for FILE/1 and FILE/2 from the archive directory for the family MCPMAST: