Job Title

<job title>

──<file title constant>────────────────────────────────────────────────┤


The job title specifies the name of the job. The job name appears in the:

  • BOJ and EOJ messages displayed by the job

  • Active entry display at the ODT

  • Job summary generated by a job

  • System log

The job title must be included if there is a job parameter list or job disposition in the job; otherwise, the job title is optional.

Though the syntax for a job title is the same as that for a file title constant, the job title does not have to be the name of any file. There is no connection between the job title of a job and the title of the file it is stored in. For the syntax of a file title constant, see File Names, Titles, and Directories.

The job name can also be assigned by including the NAME attribute in the job attribute list for the job. Note that the NAME attribute overrides the job name in the <job title>.

If neither a job title nor a NAME job attribute is included in the job, the WFL compiler assigns a name to the job.


The following are examples of job headings that include valid job titles: