── ARCHIVE ROLLOUT ─┬───────────────────┬──────────────────────────────► └─<archive options>─┘ ►─┬─ DRC ──<int exp>─┬─────────────────────────────────────────────┬───► │ │ ┌◄─────── , ───────┐ │ │ ├──────┬─┬─┴─ (-<usercode>-) ─┴───────────────│ │ └─ OF ─┘ └─ ALL ─┬────────────────────────────┤ │ └─ USERS ────────────────────┤ ├─<int exp>── SECTORS ─┬─┬───────────────────────────────────────┤ └─ ALL FILES ──────────┘ │ ┌◄─────────── , ───────┐ │ ├──────────┬─┬─┴─┬─ (-<usercode>-) ─┬─┴─│ └─ SELECT ─┘ │ └─/1\─ * ──────────┘ │ └─ ALL ─┬──────────────────┤ └─ USERS ──────────┘ ►─ FROM ──<archive disk volume>────────────────────────────────────────► ►─┬─────────────────────────────────┬──────────────────────────────────► ├─ TO ──<archive CD-R volume>─────┤ │ ┌◄───────────── , ────────────┐ │ └─┴─ TO ──<archive tape volume>─┴─┘ ►─┬─────────────────────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────► └─ [ ──<task identifier>── ] ─┘ ►─┬───────────────────────────────────┬────────────────────────────────┤ └─ ; ──<archive task equation list>─┘
Unable to split diagram to fit file
This statement moves selected disk files to archive backup tape media. The primary function of this option is to free disk space for other uses, particularly when resources are limited.
You can use this option to either
Specify the amount of disk space (in sectors) you want to make available.
Specify a percentage of the authorized DRC disk space by which each user's space is to be reduced.
DRC Option
You can specify disk space by using the DRC option of the ARCHIVE ROLLOUT statement. The DRC option is available to you even if your installation does not actively run the DRC subsystem. This option affects only those users for whom DRC limits are assigned in the USERDATAFILE.
As each selected file is rolled out to tape, the archive subsystem records the transfer in the archive directory and the file is removed from the disk. You can use rolled out files as input to any library maintenance command or statement.
Note: | If the archive directory includes references to archived copies of the files that your rollout operation is requesting, the rollout process removes the resident versions of the files without recopying those files to tape. Therefore, it is possible to complete a rollout operation without receiving a system request for a backup tape. |
Before the archive statement actually performs a rollout operation, it evaluates files for possible selection. This process is based on your usercode, or the usercode of the job that is running the ARCHIVE ROLLOUT statement.
If you do not list specific usercodes with your ARCHIVE ROLLOUT statement, only files under the usercode of the job that is running the rollout process are evaluated for possible selection.
If the job that is running the ARCHIVE ROLLOUT statement started at an ODT without a usercode, then only files without a usercode are evaluated for selection.
If your usercode enables you privileged access and you specify ALL USERS in the ARCHIVE ROLLOUT statement, all files are evaluated for possible selection.
Specifying SECTORS or Using the DRC Option
You can use the ARCHIVE ROLLOUT statement to make available a particular number of in-use sectors on a disk family in either of two ways:
Use the SECTORS option of this statement.
Invoke the DRC option.
The following discussion describes the differences between these two approaches to freeing disk space.
In general, using the ARCHIVE ROLLOUT statement on files other than your own requires privileged access to files.
ARCHIVE ROLLOUT statements that include the SECTORS options do not require that DRC limits be set in the USERDATAFILE.
If you use the DRC option, the rollout operation affects only the files under usercodes for which DRC limits are assigned in the USERDATAFILE.
When you use the ARCHIVE ROLLOUT statement to free a specified number of in-use sectors on a disk family (by using the SECTORS option), the ARCHIVE statement can be used to copy files to tape and remove files from disk to satisfy your request. If you have specified more sectors than are already in use under your usercode on the disk family, the archive subsystem selects all of your files for the rollout operation.
In this case, the operation is executed as if you had specified the ALL FILES option in the statement.
Checking the Progress of the Rollout
You can use the HI (Cause Exception Event) system command to check the progress of an ARCHIVE ROLLOUT statement. A command of the form <mix number> HI displays the number of files already copied and other information.
The ARCHIVE ROLLOUT statement is used in the following example to free 1000 sectors from files that are under usercode TEMP or DONTCARE:
The following example moves all files belonging to user MIKEB to MIKESAVE:
The following example uses the DRC option of the ARCHIVE ROLLOUT statement. If the DRC authorization for usercode XYZ on PACK is 20000 sectors, then this example rolls out files belonging to XYZ until that user's files occupy 18000 sectors or less.