<archive cd volume>

──<CD name>──<archive CD volume attribute list>────────────────────────┤


The volume name specifies the name of the destination CD-ROM volumes.

You can optionally specify one SERIALNO for a CD-ROM destination. If you do include a serial number, the system uses that serial number for all CDCOPIES it creates and for any extra CD-ROM volumes it needs to contain all the files being copied. If you do not include a serial number, then the system uses a serial number of the form YYMMDD (a 6‑digit number in which the first two digits correspond to the year, the next two digits correspond to the month, and the last two digits correspond to the day of the month). For example, an archive backup to CD-ROM done on February 10, 2001 would use the serial number 010210 if you did not specify a serial number in the ARCHIVE backup statement.

Normally tape volumes have unique serial numbers. Therefore, when an ARCHIVE RESTORE process issues a "NO FILE" RSVP message for a tape, including the serial number, it is relatively easy for the operator to locate and load the requested volume. When making an archive backup to a CD-ROM volume, try to pick a volume name and optionally a serial number to help you locate the correct CD‑ROM volume during an ARCHIVE RESTORE. When restoring from a CD-ROM volume, the "NO FAMILY" RSVP message includes the volume name, the serial number, and the volume sequence number (which is displayed as the family index number).

NO FAMILY <volume name> (CD) [<serial number>]
# <family index number>

The volume sequence number identifies which volume is needed in cases where the ARCHIVE backup process filled up one CD-ROM volume and continued copying files to one or more additional CD-ROM volumes.

Note: Unlike tape volumes, you cannot put a serial number on a CD-ROM volume in advance. When you include a serial number in an ARCHIVE backup statement for a CD‑ROM volume, the system gives all the CD-ROM volumes it copies files to the same serial number.


The following example causes the system to back up all the files on PACK to one or more CD-ROM volumes