The formatting of WFL jobs is also flexible. WFL constructs can begin in any column of a line, can continue over one line onto the next, and can include varying amounts of space between words. Also, multiple statements can appear on a line, as long as they are separated by semicolons (;). The only restriction is that the <i> construct must appear in the first column.
The <i> construct before the BEGIN JOB construct is optional and has no effect on the job. The <i> construct before the END JOB construct is optional normally, but is required if an AT <hostname constant> specification is included in the job. Refer to Invalid and Valid Characters for information about the <i> construct.
Comments can be entered into the job by preceding them with a percent sign (%). Any input following the percent character on a line is ignored by the WFL compiler. However, input that precedes the percent sign on a line is treated as part of the job. If the job is submitted from an ODT, or in array form from a user program, any input following the percent character up to and including the next semicolon (;) is ignored.
WFL control options can be included anywhere in the job, as long as they appear on a line with a dollar sign ($) in the first or second column. These options are discussed in WFL Control Options.