START and WFL Commands from CANDE Sessions

To run WFL jobs from a CANDE session, use the WFL command or the START command.

WFL Command

The WFL command causes CANDE to pass any following text to the WFL compiler. This enables a user to type WFL, followed by a WFL statement or even a job, and transmit the entire job at once. The WFL job can extend over any number of lines.

The phrases BEGIN JOB and END JOB can be omitted from a job entered after the WFL command in CANDE. Refer to Job Structure for the formal syntax of a job.

Note: Jobs submitted through the CANDE WFL statement cannot include a CLASS, FETCH, or STARTTIME specification. In addition, the job cannot contain data specifications, or the INCLUDE control option. Any WFL control options must be followed by a semicolon (;) to separate them from the rest of the job.

When WFL jobs are initiated from a CANDE session in this way, any messages generated by the job are displayed at the terminal where the job originated, as well as at the ODT. The terminal also queues CANDE commands entered while the WFL job was running and executes them after the job is completed. CANDE control commands the exception to this rule; they are executed immediately.

The statements CHANGE, PRINT, REMOVE, RERUN, SECURITY, and START are executed interpretively if one of them is the only statement following the CANDE WFL command. This means that no object code file is produced by the WFL compiler in these cases; the statement is executed directly by the WFL compiler.

Storing Jobs in Disk Files

WFL jobs can also be saved in files on disk. To do this, you should first use the CANDE MAKE command to create a file of type JOB. You can then enter the complete job into the file, either in CANDE, the Editor, or some other text entry utility. For further details, refer to the CANDE Operations Reference Manual and the Editor Operations Guide.

The question mark (?) preceding the BEGIN JOB and END JOB constructs in column 1 can cause strange results in some text entry utilities. In these cases, it might be necessary to enter the question mark in column 2, and shift the line to the left later.

More than one job can be stored in a single disk file. The jobs will be compiled and executed in the order that they appear in the file.

Note: If a file contains more than one job, none of the jobs can include a job parameter list.

WFL can open a PUBLIC SECURED file (or one guarded with a guardfile allowing EXECUTE access.) WFL can use such files as the job source file and as included files (files identified in a $INCLUDE compiler option specification).

The EXECUTE attribute of the file is updated if compilation is successful and not for syntax. If the file contains more than one job, the attribute is only updated if the last job compiles successfully.

START Command

A WFL job saved in a file can be initiated using the CANDE START command, followed by the name of the file, and any parameters being passed to the WFL job. Refer to the CANDE Operations Reference Manual for the detailed syntax of this command.

The START command passes the contents of the file directly to the WFL compiler for processing. The contents of the file must be a complete WFL job, including the BEGIN JOB and END JOB constructs. The job can include data specifications, unlike WFL jobs submitted through the CANDE WFL command.

Any messages from the job are displayed at the originating terminal as well as at the ODT. However, the terminal remains free to accept any CANDE commands that are entered and responds immediately, even if they are not control commands.

If you use the START command in CANDE to start a JOBSYMBOL or DATA file that is secured, CANDE returns #FILE NOT AVAILABLE. Use WFL START from CANDE to start the job.

Other CANDE Commands

The following CANDE commands directly invoke WFL statements that have the same names:

  • ADD



  • COPY





  • WRAP

Therefore, it is not necessary to precede these commands with WFL. Several other CANDE commands have the same names as WFL statements, but do not invoke WFL, and in some cases have different syntax or functions than their WFL counterparts. These statements include:


  • BIND



  • DO

  • LOG



  • RUN


  • STOP

To invoke these WFL statements in CANDE, you must precede the statements with the CANDE WFL command, or include them in a job file and initiate the job with a START command.

Note: WFL jobs originated from CANDE sessions inherit the usercode of the CANDE session unless a USERCODE job attribute specification is included in the job. The job inherits the family specification associated with the usercode it is running under unless a FAMILY job attribute specification is included in the job.