── ARCHIVE RELEASE ─┬─<archive list>─────────────────────────────────┬─┤ │ ┌◄───────── , ─────────┐ │ └─┴─<archive from group>─┴─┬─────────────────────┤ └─ , ──<archive list>─┘
┌◄────────── , ──────────┐ ──┴─┬─ <file name> ──────┬─┴───────────────────────────────────────────┤ └─ <directory name> ─┘
┌◄────────── , ──────────┐ ──┴─┬─ <file name> ──────┬─┴─ FROM ── <family name> ───────────────────┤ └─ <directory name> ─┘
The ARCHIVE RELEASE statement removes files from disk that are not in use and have up-to-date archive backup records.
The removed files can be restored by the archive AUTORESTORE feature or the ARCHIVE RESTORE and ARCHIVE ADDRESTORE statements.
In addition to the ARCHIVE RELEASE statement, see also the REMOVE and REMOVE DESTROY statements described later in this section.
The first name in a remove list can be a file title or a directory title; that is, it can contain an ON family name part. Subsequent names in the remove list can only contain an ON family name part if they contain a string primary as well.
In the remove from group, the FROM clause applies to all the file names and directory names in that remove from group.