A |
ADDS, Advanced Data Dictionary System |
ADM, Automatic Display Mode |
ANSI, American National Standards Institute |
API, application programming interface |
ARP, Address Resolution Protocol |
ASCII, American Standard Code for Information Interchange |
ASDI, actual segment descriptor |
ASP, Active Server Page |
ATM, asynchronous transfer mode |
ATMI, Application to Transaction Manager Interface |
B |
BARS, Activity Reporting System |
BLOB, binary large object |
BNA, Unisys Network Architecture |
BSD, Berkeley Systems Development |
C |
CAL, Client Access License |
CANDE, Command and Edit |
CCF, Custom Connect Facility |
CCI, Common Client Interface |
CCS, coded character set |
CD-R, compact disc recordable |
CD-ROM, compact disc read-only memory |
CGI, Common Gateway Interface |
CLOB, character large object |
CLP, Cell Loss Priority |
CMT, COBOL Migration Tool |
CNA, ClearPath Network Appliance |
CNS, Core Network Services |
CDO, Collaborative Data Objects |
COM, component object model |
COM+, Component Services |
COMTI, Component Object Model Transaction Integrator |
CORBA, Common Object Request Broker Architecture |
COTS, commercial off-the-shelf |
CPU, central processor unit |
CRM, communications resource manager |
CSU, Command Store Utility |
D |
DAP, Directory Access Protocol |
DASDL, Data and Structure Definition Language |
DBA, database administrator |
DBMS, database management system |
DCA, Distributed Control Agent |
DCOM, distributed component object mode |
DDA, data dependent attributes |
DLC, data link control |
DMP, Dialog Management Protocol |
DMTF, Desktop Management Task Force |
DNS, domain name server |
DOC, Online Documentation System |
DS, differentiated services |
DSS, Distributed Systems Services |
DTD, document type definition |
DTP, distributed transaction processing |
E |
EAP, Enterprise Application Platform |
EBCDIC, Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code |
EIDL, E-Mode Interface Definition Language |
EJB, Enterprise Java Beans |
ELAN, emulated LAN |
ERGO, Extended Retrieval with Graphic Output |
ERP, enterprise resource planning |
ESR, Electronic Service Request |
EUDC, end user defined characters |
F |
FDDI, fiber distributed data interface |
FTP, File Transfer Protocol |
G |
GDS, generalized data stream |
GOSIP, Government OSI Profile |
GSS, generic security services |
GUI, graphical user interface |
H |
HTML, Hypertext Markup Language |
HTTP, Hypertext Transfer Protocol |
I |
IC, Interim Correction |
ICE, Integrated Communications Environment |
ICMP, Internet Control Message Protocol |
ICP, integrated communications processor |
IDL, interface definition language |
IEC, International Electrotechnical Commission |
IEEE, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers |
IETF, Internet Engineering Task Force |
IIS, Internet Information Server |
IMG, Interactive Menugraph Generator |
IOM, I/O module |
IPC, Interprocess Communications |
ISO, International Standards Organization |
IT, information technology |
I-SQL, Interactive Structured Query Language |
J |
JAAS, Java Authorization and Authentication Service |
JDBC, Java Database Connectivity |
JDK, Java Development Kit |
JMS, Java Messaging Service |
JMX, Java Management Extension |
JCA, Java Connector Architecture |
JNDI, Java Naming and Directory Interface |
JRE, Java Run-Time Environment |
JSP, JavaServer Pages |
JTA, Java Transaction API |
JVM, Java Virtual Machine |
K |
KDC, Key Distribution Center |
L |
LAN, local area network |
LANE, LAN emulation |
LCN, logical channel number |
LCW, LAN-connected workstation |
LDAP, Lightweight Directory Access Protocol |
LEC, LAN emulation client |
LLC, logical link control |
M |
MARC, Menu-Assisted Resource Control |
MCAPI, MCP Crypto Application Program Interface |
MCP, Master Control Program |
MCS, message control system |
MFA, Multi-Factor Authentication |
MHS, Message Handling System |
MIB, Management Information Base |
MLI, message level interface |
MLS, MultiLingual System |
MMC, Microsoft Management Console |
MPC, Master Processor Card |
MMQ, Microsoft Message Queue |
MQ, Message Queuing |
MQI, Message Queuing Interface |
MRJ, Mac OS Runtime for Java |
MTA, Message Transfer Agent |
MTS, Microsoft Transaction Server |
N |
NAU, Network Administrative Utility |
NIC, network interface card |
NVT, Network Virtual Terminal |
O |
ODBC, Open Database Connectivity |
ODT, operator display terminal |
OI, operator interface |
OLE, object linking and embedding |
OLE DB, object linking and embedding database |
OLTP, Online Transaction Processing |
OSI, Open Systems Interconnection |
P |
PAD, packet assembler/disassembler |
PAF, Program Agent Facility |
PCM, protocol converter module |
PDF, Portable Document Format |
PDL, page description language |
PDN, Public Data Network |
PKI, Public Key Infrastructure |
PLM, port level manager |
PSH, protocol-specific handler |
PVC, permanent virtual circuit |
Q |
QLLC, qualified link level control |
QoS, quality of service |
R |
RFC, Request for Comment |
RJE, remote job entry |
RIP, Routing Information Protocol |
RM, resource manager |
RMI, Remote Method Invocation |
ROC, Report Output Control |
RPC, Remote Procedure Call |
RPG, Report Program Generator |
RSN, record serial number |
S |
SA, System Assistant |
SAR, service archives |
SASL, Simple Authentication and Security Layer |
SCP, System Console Processor |
SCSI, small computer systems interface |
SDF, Screen Design Facility |
SDK, Software Development Kit and Software Developer's Kit |
SMTP, Simple Mail Transfer Protocol |
SNA, Systems Network Architecture |
SNMP, Simple Network Management Protocol |
SOA, Service Oriented Architecture |
SOAP, Simple Object Access Protocol |
SPS, Single Point Security |
SQL, Structured Query Language |
SSL, Secure Sockets Layer |
SSP, Supplemental Support Package |
SSU, Select Software Update |
SVC, switched virtual circuit |
T |
TADS, Test and Debug System |
TCP/IP, Transaction Control Protocol/Internet Protocol |
TCS, transport converter service |
TELNET, Telecommunications Network Protocol |
TIC, TCP/IP Interprocess Communication |
TFL, Transaction Formatting Language |
TLS, transport layer security |
TM, transaction manager |
TOS, type of service |
TP, transaction program |
TPE, TCP/IP Printing Enabler |
TPS, Transaction Processing System |
TTP, Terminal Transport Protocol |
U |
UDDI, Universal Description Discovery and Integration |
UDP, User Datagram Protocol |
URL, uniform resource locator |
V |
VLAN, virtual LAN |
VM, virtual machine |
VSS, virtual sector size |
W |
WAN, wide area network |
WAP, Wireless Application Protocol |
WFL, Work Flow Language |
WML, Wireless Markup Language |
WSDL, Web Services Description Language |
X |
XATMI, X/Open Application to Transaction Management Interface |
XHTML, Extensible HTML |
XML, Extensible Markup Language |