ClearPath Visual IDE

Product Overview

Unisys ClearPath Visual IDE is a software product that extends the capabilities of Microsoft Visual Studio to enable you to use it to develop ClearPath applications.

Unisys ClearPath Visual IDE is a plug-in for Visual Studio that provides an integrated development environment you can use to create projects, edit ClearPath source files, and build solutions using the familiar Visual Studio interface you already use for C#, C++, e-Portal, Agile Business Suite, and other languages.

There is a large community of developers who have experience using Microsoft Visual Studio to develop enterprise-class applications. Unisys ClearPath Visual IDE enables these developers to leverage their Visual Studio experience and reduces the time required for them to become productive ClearPath application developers.

Unisys ClearPath Visual IDE, when combined with other Microsoft Visual Studio plug-ins, enables a developer to use a single tool – Microsoft Visual Studio – to develop distributed environments such as ClearPath MCP, Agile Business Suite, ClearPath Forward e-Portal, Microsoft Windows, and others. Using a single tool makes developers more productive and can help to reduce software licensing and support costs.

At the time of this publication, the current release of ClearPath Visual IDE is release 3.0. For more information, refer to the ClearPath Visual IDE Product Support page.

General Features

Unisys ClearPath Visual IDE provides a predefined MCP project type to create projects and develop applications and libraries for the ClearPath MCP Environment.

You can configure build settings and run or debug settings for an MCP project. For example, you can specify an output file name and location for an object file that will be created when you build the project. Additionally, you can specify values for parameters and change the default setting of the debug mode property, which will take effect when you run or debug an MCP project.

Unisys ClearPath Visual IDE allow you to use the Visual Studio code editor to create and edit MCP source files in these languages:

  • COBOL74

  • COBOL85




  • NEWP

Unisys ClearPath Visual IDE allows you to create patches for existing MCP source files. You can build the project with the patches and test it without applying the patches to the original source file. You can also import and export patches and revert patch changes.

Unisys ClearPath Visual IDE enables you to use the source control features of Microsoft Visual Studio to easily manage individual and team projects.

Unisys ClearPath Visual IDE enables you to build MCP applications and libraries within a project. When you create a project, default build configurations are assigned to the project. You can edit the default configurations or create your own configurations.

After a successful build, Unisys ClearPath Visual IDE allows you to run MCP applications.

Unisys ClearPath Visual IDE enables you to debug MCP applications using the Test and Debug System (TADS). You can view output messages and TADS messages, respond to waiting entries on the host, and issue TADS commands.

Configuration Information

Consult the product compatibility matrices at:

for compatible versions of the products listed that follow.

ClearPath MCP Environment

  • Software

    ClearPath MCP Operating System

  • Hardware/Firmware (One of the following)

    • ClearPath MCP server with a network connection

    • ClearPath Software series product running on a computer with a network connection

Microsoft Windows Environment

  • Software

    • Microsoft Windows operating System

    • Microsoft Visual Studio

  • Hardware

    A computer with a network connection that is capable of running compatible versions of Microsoft Windows and Microsoft Visual Studio.

Ordering Information

Consult your Unisys representative for ordering information.

Product Information

Refer to the following documents for more information:

  • Unisys ClearPath Visual IDE Installation and Configuration Guide (8230 0956)

  • Unisys ClearPath Visual IDE Application Development Guide (8230 0864)

  • Unisys ClearPath Visual IDE Information Center on the Unisys Product Support website.