Product Overview
WIN RPC supports the Microsoft Remote Procedure Call (RPC) protocol. WIN RPC provides a simple way for client and server applications to communicate with one another using a normal application program interface (API), even when the client and server applications do not reside on the same physical system.
General Features
WIN RPC enables both the client and the server to behave as much as possible as if they were both on the same physical system. That is, the client issues a call for a service, WIN RPC transmits the request to the server, the server responds in the normal way, and WIN RPC transmits the response back to the client. All of the related networking responsibilities are transparent to both the client and the server.
WIN RPC supports Connect Level Kerberos Authentication for clients and servers who communicate over TCP. Also, facilities allow servers to impersonate clients.
WIN RPC includes the following components:
Interface definition language (IDL)
E-Mode Interface Definition Language (EIDL) generator
Run-time WINRPCSUPPORT library
Transport layer interface modules
Name service provider proxy called the Name Service Procurator
Endpoint directory service
The WIN RPC Client Fast Interface allows performance improvements for those clients that do not use any of these features: association groups, asynchronous call, automatic binding, callbacks, maybe calls, multiple calls in progress at one time, and the UDP protocol.
When you are building an application, you specify an interface to the remote procedures using the interface definition language. Once you specify the interface, you must run it through the EIDL generator to produce stubs. The client side stubs (which are compiled into the client application) communicate with the server side stubs (which are compiled into the server application) through the run-time library on each machine.
Normally an application in a client-server environment must include code to define the network protocols and communication. One of the advantages of WIN RPC is that the network details are provided as part of the WIN RPC run-time library.
Functions of WIN RPC illustrates the functions of WIN RPC.
Ordering Information
Platform |
Style |
ClearPath |
WIN RPC is included as part of the operating environment. |
Product Information
Refer to the WIN RPC Installation and Programming Guide (8808 0593) for more information.