Program Binder

Product Overview

The Program Binder combines one or more separately written and compiled subprograms into a single executable program. Using Program Binder, you can implement features not available in one language in another language and bind the features together for the final program.

General Features

Modules written in ALGOL, C, COBOL74, COBOL85, FORTRAN77, and Pascal can generally be bound together to form one program.

You can modularize large programs into many subprograms to reduce the recompilation time necessary for small changes. You can separately recompile a rewritten module and insert it into a large program, which requires revision and compilation of only the module in question.

Ordering Information

Program Binder is included as part of the operating environment. Source code is available for this product. It is included as part of the operating environment source product, which you can license separately.

Product Information

Refer to the Binder Programming Reference Manual (8600 0304) for more information.