Extended Retrieval with Graphic Output (ERGO)

Product Overview

Extended Retrieval with Graphic Output (ERGO) is a query and report program that enables you to quickly access Enterprise Database Server databases and conventional files and to present data in tabular as well as graphic formats. ERGO offers up-to-date, concise analyses. In most cases, ERGO reduces the cost of application programming, along with its associated delays for modifications, and staff training.

ERGO and its accompanying documentation can be used by persons who possess only a moderate understanding of data processing. However, sufficient power and flexibility are available for information systems professionals.

General Features

Many powerful features are provided, including

  • Four graphic analyses—bar graphs, histograms, plots, and Kiviat diagrams. All formatting of graphic output is done automatically.

  • Two standard reports—tabulations and statistical summaries.

  • Formatting attributes under user control, with commonly used default values provided.

  • Minimal knowledge of Enterprise Database Server and conventional files required for usage.

  • Concurrent access of up to five Enterprise Database Server databases and ten conventional files in a single request.

  • Easy joining of data across data sets, databases, and conventional files.

  • Powerful selection expressions with optimization where possible.

  • The ability to direct output to various devices.

  • Different modes of operation—command mode for the experienced user, and menu mode for the casual or new user.

  • The ability to process ERGO commands from a disk file using the CANDE DO command.

  • Extensive online help capabilities.

  • Statistical and trigonometric functions plus user-defined functions for extensibility.

  • Storage of frequently used report commands as defines.

  • Menu of saved commands from which to select a command for execution.

  • Multilevel sorting of data in ascending or descending order.

  • Reformatting of reports without re-accessing the databases or files.

  • Pattern matching for string item searches.

  • Editing of commands to avoid unnecessary retyping.

  • EXTRACT capability to save selected data in files so that ERGO or any program able to invoke files from the Advanced Data Dictionary System (ADDS) can use them.

  • The ability to access data in KEYEDIOII and conventional files.

  • The ability to update selected data in Enterprise Database Server databases.

  • Data item names can have a maximum of 30 characters and data sets a maximum of 1023 characters.

Configuration Information

This product requires Database Interpreter.

Ordering Information




The ordering style for ERGO is CSP 10nn-ERG, where nn represents performance groups 10 through 160 (in increments of 10).

Source code is available for this product. You can license it separately.

Product Information

Refer to the following documents for more information:

  • Enterprise Database Server Interpretive Interface Programming Reference Manual (8600 0155)

  • Extended Retrieval with Graphic Output (ERGO) Operations Guide (8600 0205)