Product Overview
System Software Utilities enhance the basic system software for enterprise servers by providing a range of capabilities to increase the productivity of operators and other personnel.
General Features
The system utilities component of the operating environment package can include the following items:
The SYSTEM/CONFIGURATOR utility processes changes made to the system configuration file. The utility creates an object code file, read by the operating system, that defines various system configurations.
The SYSTEM/DUMPALL utility lists or copies various kinds of files such as disk files and labeled and unlabeled tape files. You can complete the following tasks with this utility.
Copy as many as 10,000 files at one time. Therefore, you can copy more files to a single tape and save on overall costs by reducing not only the number of tapes but also the space needed to store the tapes.
Copy a file from one kind of media, such as tape, to another kind of media, such as disk.
Specify file attributes for a new copy that are different from the original file.
Specify that only certain records in a file are to be copied or printed.
Copy records from several different input files to a single output file.
Add records from one or more input files to the end of an existing disk file.
Copy or print multivolume tape files, and copy or print files from multifile tape volumes and unlabeled tape volumes.
Create multivolume tape files, multifile tape volumes, and unlabeled tape volumes.
Copy or list files located on other host systems.
Use long file names with DUMPALL.
The SYSTEM/DUMPANALYZER utility analyzes either a memory dump or a program dump that was created on disk. You can enter DUMPANALYZER commands in either interactive or batch mode.
EMAIL Utility
The EMAIL utility sends an e-mail message or submits a news article. You can initiate the EMAIL utility by using any of the following methods:
Work Flow Language (WFL) job
Invocation of either the EMAIL or EMAIL_COB entry points of the EMAILSUPPORT library from a program
The SYSTEM/FILECOPY utility automates the process of copying large numbers of files. When you specify the location and types of files to be copied, the FILECOPY utility uses this information to start a Work Flow Language (WFL) job to perform the copying. You can copy files from a disk family or a CD-ROM to another disk family or tape. CD-ROM is on the list of destination media kinds for FILECOPY. FILECOPY can produce CD-ROMs that can be read by the LMR utility.
The SYSTEM/FILEDATA utility produces selected reports with varying levels of information about permanent disk files, catalog backup information, archive backup information, and library maintenance tapes. The NAMELIST request produces a flat (nonhierarchical) list of file names.
The SYSTEM/LOGANALYZER utility produces a report of all SUMLOG entries that correspond to parameters that you set. The LOGANALYZER utility extracts the specified types of entries from the log and formats them for display on a screen, a printed report, or a disk file. If you do not specify a file, the utility analyzes the current SUMLOG file. You can also limit the LOGANALYZER search to entries in the log file that were made during a particular time period.
The SYSTEM/MAKEUSER utility creates or modifies usercode definitions that restrict access to the computer system. This utility can form an integral part of the security system at your site. Security Center is the recommended tool for maintaining the USERDATAFILE.
SYSTEM/PDIR is a program that searches for files with a set of specified characteristics. You can base the search on a wild-card match of file names and on the values of file attributes. By default, the output is directed back to the initiating user at the system console or data communications terminal that initiated the command. The output can also be directed to a print file or to a disk file with a specified name.
You can run the PDIR utility from a Work Flow Language (WFL) job, from CANDE, or by using the PDIR (Process Directory) MARC or system command.
SSH Remote Command Utility
The SSHCLIENT program is a remote command utility that enables you to log into a remote machine over the SSH protocol and execute commands on the remote machine. The utility provides secure encrypted communications between two hosts over an unsecure network.
SYSTEM/PMIX is a program that enables privileged users to select mix entries by their characteristics and display information about those mix entries. Examples of the characteristics for a mix entry include name, usercode, process time, and task type.
The following examples illustrate the type of information that you can generate and display with SYSTEM/PMIX:
Mix entries that are not segment dictionaries and whose names contain the string PRINT. You can display the mix number, name, and process type.
Usercoded mix entries. You can display the names, usercodes, and mix numbers.
Mix entries whose names begin with the string SYSTEM. You can display the mix numbers, names, task types, and ready-queue times, sorted in descending order by ready-queue time.
Ordering Information
System Software Utilities are included as part of the operating environment for ClearPath servers. Source code is available for this product. It is included as part of the operating environment source products, which you can license separately.
Product Information
Refer to the following documents for more information:
System Configuration Guide (8600 0445)
System Log Programming Reference Manual (8600 1807)
System Software Utilities Operations Reference Manual (8600 0460)