Product Overview
TCP/IP Application Services for ClearPath MCP includes the following products:
FTP Services for ClearPath MCP
TELNET Services
These products provide enterprise server TCP/IP file transfer and remote log-in services. They can be used with TCP/IP Interprocess Communications Services and LAN or WAN hardware to support communications in a TCP/IP LAN or WAN environment.
FTP Services for ClearPath MCP
FTP Services for ClearPath MCP provides enterprise server TCP/IP file transfer services.
You can use FTP Services with TCP/IP Interprocess Communications (TIC) and local and/or wide area network hardware to support communications in a TCP/IP local or wide area networking environment. You can use these products in both private networks and public networks, such as the Internet.
FTP Services provides an implementation of the File Transfer Protocol (FTP) as described in MIL-STD 1780 (RFC 959) and the SSH File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) as described in the Internet-Draft draft-ietf-secsh-filexfer-02. FTP enables you to exchange complete files between nodes in a TCP/IP network. The user interface is provided by the COPY command, which is available interactively through a Menu-Assisted Resource Control (MARC) menu or the Command and Edit (CANDE) message-control system, and in batch mode through Work Flow Language (WFL) or from the operator display terminal (ODT). The FTP server allows users at remote hosts to display lists of files.
General Features
Interactive FTP
An interactive FTP utility program provides a command interface to FTP that is similar to the command interface provided on UNIX systems. The FTP utility enables you to exchange complete files between compatible network nodes and to display lists of files at remote hosts. The FTP utility also enables you to specify that a file format is to be converted between the format used by enterprise server applications and the format used by applications on remote hosts. This conversion is made while the file is being transferred.
Anonymous FTP
You can use FTP to manage an Anonymous FTP archive. MAKEUSER recognizes a new reserved remote usercode named *ANONYMOUSFTP. If you configure this remote usercode, anonymous access to FTP is permitted. Anonymous users are restricted to READONLY access to the files maintained in the anonymous FTP archive.
FTP Configuration Files
Site administrators and end users can store information relating to the operation of FTP in configuration files. This capability allows configuration information to be maintained over a restart of FTP.
FTP supports two classes of configuration file:
The global configuration file is a system-wide file, which the site administrator can use to store settings that apply to FTP as a whole. For example, in this file you can specify the desired number of waiting FTP server files, as well as the priority to be assigned to server stacks when they are initiated. As another example, an administrator can specify that, by default, text file transfers inbound to the server or batch client should create readable text files rather than FTPDATA files.
The local configuration file is the FTP startup file that individuals can use to customize their own views of FTP. For example, the user can specify that whenever a client session is initiated, the mapping settings should be set to create C source files out of inbound text transfers.
Remote server configuration
FTP can transfer an FTP/STARTUP to the remote host to, be processed by the server, to change the configuration of the server before transferring the next file.
FTP supports translation between 8-bit character sets other than EBCDIC and ASCII in order to more effectively address the needs of clients in environments where such character sets are used. For example, if you have file data encoded in the extended EBCDIC character set Latin1EBCDIC, you can request that the data be translated into the corresponding ASCII-based character set Latin1ISO before it is transmitted to a remote system. Similarly, if you know that an incoming file transfer is encoded in the LatinCyrillicISO character set, you can request that the data be translated into the LatinCyrillicEBC character set before it is stored on disk. FTP is able to perform any translation that your system supports.
Secure FTP with SSL
FTP supports both implicit and explicit Secure Socket Layer (SSL) security.
Implicit SSL protects both control and data connections.
Explicit SSL enables SSL to be dynamically negotiated on the control and data connections so that only the sensitive portions of an FTP session are secured.
FTP Services for ClearPath MCP requires the use of ClearPath MCP Secure Transport and Security Center to provide the SSL functionality.
Secure FTP with SSH
FTP supports inbound and outbound connections over SSH (Secure Shell). See Secure Shell (SSH) for ClearPath MCP in Section 3 of this document for more information.
Server Directories
The FTP server supports client commands to traverse a directory hierarchy and to maintain a current working directory. If you issue commands from your FTP client that are related to file or directory management, they are interpreted in the context of this current working directory.
Support for Passive-Mode Data Transfer
Normally, the FTP connection used for data transfer is initiated from the server to the client. Sometimes this process can cause problems at sites that use firewalls. The alternative is for the data connection to be initiated from the client to the server, which is called passive mode. The FTP Interactive and Batch Clients now support the negotiation of passive mode through the DATA_PORT_CONNECTION_MODE command.
Support for Specification of Source IP Address
Some systems have more than one IP address. Each IP address represents a separate interface to the network. These systems are called multihomed. When an application, such as FTP, requests a connection to a remote system, the networking software normally selects which local IP address to use. Sometimes, however, it is useful—for testing, load leveling, and so on—for an application to be able to request that the networking software use a specific local IP address. FTP provides a way for you to specify the local IP address to be used for network connections.
Support for WFL command batch files
The FTP Custom SITE command allows the administrator of a site to create a batch file of Work Flow Language (WFL) commands on the host. Remote clients use the QUOTE command to process the batch file and then execute the WFL commands in the batch file. You can use this command to manipulate files copied to the host with the permissions granted to the FTP user.
TELNET Services
TELNET Services provides enterprise server TCP/IP with remote log-in services. It requires TCP/IP Interprocess Communications Services and local area network hardware to support communications in a TCP/IP local or wide area networking environment. You can use these products in both private networks and public networks, such as the Internet.
General Features
TELNET on the enterprise server provides an implementation of the Telecommunications Network Protocol (TELNET), contained in MIL-STD 1782 (RFC 854). The Unisys implementation of this protocol includes the following features:
Increased station connections (up to 16,000, depending on hardware)
Flexible and predictable station naming
Internationalization, including 8- and 16-bit coded character set mapping
Improved performance and throughput over DSS TELNET
Improved fault tolerance and recovery over DSS TELNET
Configurable output editing for printer connections
Support for secure sessions over SSL
TELNET provides the following configuration options:
LOG, a command that provides a method to control the types of messages sent to the SUMLOG.
SECURITY ENCRYPT, a command that uses Kerberos to provide server-to-client and client-to-server data encryption capability.
The TELNET server on the enterprise server supports the following classes of connections:
Network Virtual Terminal (NVT) in line mode only.
VT100 in full-screen mode or line mode.
IBM 3270 in full-screen mode or line mode. Full-screen mode requires the MTE2SUPPORT library from the Core Network Services (CNS) product.
T27 in full-screen mode.
The TELNET expanded configuration options are
DEBUG IPADDRESS, a command that adds a mechanism to perform tracing by IP ADDRESS. It also expands single-session tracing to multiple session tracing.
STATION_NAME, an enhancement to this command adds a mechanism for the FUNCTION to request a TELNET connection to be terminated.
TELNET expanded IBM3270 support by providing nonemulation support for 3270 terminals.
The TELNET client enables terminals connected to an enterprise server to emulate the following types of terminals when they connect to remote hosts: Network Virtual Terminal (NVT) and T27.
The LIST command provides the ability to interrogate what terminals and templates are configured.
You can specify the 8-bit and 16-bit coded character set used by your workstation and, optionally, the character set in which TELNET is to map the data. TELNET supports all coded character sets and mappings supported by the CENTRALSUPPORT library. TELNET server CCS mapping is available for all terminal types.
Some of the advantages offered by TELNET server CCS mapping include
Centralized control of coded character set mapping by the MCP host TELNET server for TELNET clients.
TELNET clients using CCSs without standard mappings to the MCP system default character set can specify mapping to an optional host character set for the TELNET session.
The system administrator can use the TELNET HOTSWAP command to initiate a Telnet software replacement process. The hot software update feature supports the continuous processing principle, which ensures that TelnetSupport is never down. The hot software update feature enables a replacement copy of TelnetSupport to begin running in parallel with an already running TelnetSupport. The original copy of TelnetSupport continues to run as long as established connections exist. The replacement copy of TelnetSupport handles new connection requests. The original copy of TelnetSupport terminates when all previously existing connections have disconnected or when TelnetSupport is intentionally terminated.
New Features/Enhancements
You can now configure the ChallengeAckLimit and ChallengeAckTimeout options from the TCP/IP Options screens.
Ordering Information
TCP/IP Application Services for ClearPath MCP are included as part of the operating environment. Source code is available for this product and is included as part of the operating environment source product, which you can license separately.
Product Information
Refer to the TCP/IP Distributed Systems Services (DSS) Operations Guide (8807 6385) for more information.