Unisys Locum SafeSurvey

Product Overview

Unisys Locum SafeSurvey is a security assessment tool that is integrated with Security Center. SafeSurvey allows the customer to perform quantitative analysis of security status on the MCP host.

Unisys Locum SafeSurvey provides security administrators and auditors with a series of detailed reports that analyze and highlight areas where system security might be at risk.

Unisys Locum SafeSurvey is available in two parts: SafeSurvey Host, which runs on the ClearPath MCP Environment and can be run as a stand-alone, and SafeSurvey Client, which provides a user-friendly graphical interface on Windows environments.

Running Unisys Locum SafeSurvey on a regular basis helps to keep management informed of the current status of the security environment on each system. This information, which is presented in several reports, enables management to take the necessary actions before security breaches occur. Unisys Locum SafeSurvey reports are clear, concise, and presented in a nontechnical format.

Security administrators can

  • Print all the reports or a selection of reports from both the SafeSurvey Client and the SafeSurvey Host.

  • Send the reports to a disk file or to a printer.

  • Produce line graphs, bar charts, and pie charts for one or more reports.

  • Produce differential reports. The differences between two reports are highlighted for easy comparison.

  • Schedule scans to be done at the MCP system at a predetermined time/internal. The reports are processed by the SafeSurvey Host and the SafeSurvey Client can download them when it next connects.

General Features

Unisys Locum SafeSurvey includes the following key features.


This test analyzes the USERDATAFILE definitions. The test highlights usercodes with special privileges and investigates the use of security-related usercode attributes.

The USERDATAFILE analysis reports the following information:

  • USERDATAFILE statistics

  • Usercode privileges such as PU (privileged) or SECADMIN (security administrator)

  • Use of security-related attributes such as NODEFAULTUSE or COMSONLYLOGON

  • Remote user definitions

Password Penetration Tests

Computer hackers try to exploit systems through usercodes that use passwords that are weak or easy to guess. Unisys Locum SafeSurvey performs a number of tests on each password to determine the ease by which an unwelcome user might gain access to the system. Unisys Locum SafeSurvey performs the following checks:

  • Usercodes or accesscodes with no passwords

  • Usercodes or accesscodes for which the password is identical to the usercode/password name

  • Usercodes or accesscodes with an easy-to-guess password

  • Usercodes with multiple passwords

When looking for easy-to-guess passwords, Unisys Locum SafeSurvey checks the password against a list of popular words and names and repeated character strings and character sequences.

Policy-Based Security Assessment

This feature enables customers and auditors assessing the ClearPath MCP Environment to use SafeSurvey to compare the actual security settings (SECOPT, LOGGING, and so on) of the system with a defined system policy and to note any discrepancies. You can use a policy-based security assessment to graphically track compliance events.

Transaction Server CFILE Analysis

The Transaction Server CFILE analysis identifies obsolete usercode entries and hidden privileges contained in program and station definitions. The Transaction Server CFILE analysis produces the following reports:

  • Transaction Server CFILE statistics

  • USERDATAFILE and Transaction Server CFILE compatibility check

  • Transaction Server CFILE program definitions analysis

  • Transaction Server CFILE station definitions analysis

  • Default definition analysis

  • CFILE Station Usage report

System Configuration Analysis

The system configuration analysis interrogates and displays the settings of all relevant system options and settings including:

  • MCP run-time options

  • SECOPT options (including Secure Access Control Module options)

  • TCP/IP security settings

  • MCS status information

  • Disk File Analysis

Unisys Locum SafeSurvey analyzes the entire disk subsystem and produces a report that identifies the following characteristics:

  • Code files with special privileges

  • Code files with operational privileges

  • Public code files and data files

The User Privileges snapshot includes role-based access control (RBAC) permissions and the CMOS CFILE privileges.

Other System Reports

  • Distributed System Service (DSS) configuration report

  • Kerberos Principal Identifier (PID) analysis

  • Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) capabilities report

  • Report for GUARDFILES

Secure Connections

Unisys Locum SafeSurvey uses SSL/TLS to protect the assessment data in transit between the ClearPath MCP Environment and the security administrator's workstation.

You can enable this security feature by configuring SSL/TLS for Security Center access.

Ordering Information

Two versions of Unisys Locum SafeSurvey are available.

Summary version

You can use the summary version to view a summary of the security configuration on a Unisys ClearPath MCP server.

The summary version of Unisys Locum SafeSurvey is included with the operating environment.

Full version

Provides the following functionality:

  • Reports that contain specific usercodes and other entities

  • Ability to save the reports into a PC-based database

  • Graph generation to depict changes over time or to compare reports

You can order the full version of Unisys Locum SafeSurvey using style CSP10nn-USS/US2/USB where nn represents performance groups 10 through 160 (in increments of 10).

Product Information

Refer to the following documents for more information:

  • Getting Started with SafeSurvey Guide

  • SafeSurvey Online Help

  • Security Center Help (4310 9263)