MCP Transaction Resource Adapter for the Java Platform

Product Overview

MCP Transaction Resource Adapter for the Java Platform integrates Java applications and Java Platform Enterprise Edition (Java EE) application servers with Transaction Server applications. The MCP Transaction Resource Adapter for the Java Platform is an implementation of the Java EE Connector Architecture specification.

General Features

MCP Transaction Resource Adapter for the Java Platform includes the following major features.

Common Client Interface (CCI)

CCI is an application program interface (API) defined by the Java EE Connector Architecture specification that enables Java EE application components to access ClearPath MCP application programs running in the Transaction Server environment.

Data mapping and Character Encoding

Data mapping and character encoding is provided between the Java and MCP Environments.

Inbound Communication

Inbound communication enables a Transaction Server application to send messages to a message-driven bean.

Java Architecture for XML Binding (JAXB)

JAXB is used to process XML documents whose data is subsequently sent to a Transaction Server program. Additionally, JAXB is used to create an XML document containing the data received from a Transaction Server program.

Record Builder

Record builder is a graphical tool that provides the following capabilities:

  • Creating custom data structures based on CCI and JAXB. Data structures can be created by importing COBOL 01 records.

  • Building and deploying Java EE applications.

  • Building and deploying Android applications.

  • Resource adapter archive creation.

  • Resource adapter deployment descriptor creation and modification.

  • XML schema generation.

Security support

The MCP logon can be performed using Kerberos or NTLM security.

Stand-alone Java Applications

Stand-alone Java applications can directly use the product to access Transaction Server applications. CCI is also use by stand-alone Java applications to access a Transaction Server program.

Android Support

Android applications can directly use the product to access Transaction Server programs. The record builder can create skeleton Android applications, which can be enhanced with additional Android features.  Additionally, these applications can be installed on a device for testing.

XA Transactions

XA Transaction support is provided for transactions started in the MCP or Java environment.

Configuration Requirements

ClearPath MCP Environment

  • Connector protocol-specific handler (Connector PSH)

  • Transaction Server

  • (Optional) Transaction Manager

Java Environment

  • Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE) 7

  • Java Platform, Standard Edition (Java SE) 7

  • (Optional) A Java EE application server, such as

    • Oracle WebLogic Server

    • IBM WebSphere

    • JBoss

Ordering Information

MCP Transaction Resource Adapter for the Java Platform is included as part of the operating environment.

Source code is not available for this product.

Product Information

Refer to the ClearPath Enterprise Servers MCP Transaction Resource Adapter for the Java™ Platform User’s Guide (2621 0963) for more information.