MCP Software Inventory Utility

Product Overview

The MCP Software Inventory Utility collects and stores information on the Unisys system software and MCP Firmware of your ClearPath MCP system. This utility compares the installed levels of the system software running on your system and compares it to the latest software levels available from Unisys. The MCP Software Inventory Utility generates an alert and reports any missing critical Problem List Entry (PLE) updates for your system. This utility also tracks when then MCP software processor license key expires and generates both EMAIL and RSVP alerts to notify the user of the expiration.

The MCP Software Inventory Utility has both MCP and Windows components. The MCP component collects information about the Unisys system software, the MCP Firmware, and the installed levels running on the MCP system, which are then transferred to the Windows component. The Windows component calls a web service, which securely stores the data in a cloud database. Only Unisys personnel can view the system software usage information that the MCP Software Inventory Utility gathers and stores in the cloud database.

The Windows component then compares the system software levels installed on the MCP system to the latest software levels available from Unisys. The Windows component then generates an alert and reports any missing critical PLEs for the MCP system.

The MCP Software Inventory Utility collects and stores data for the files in the *SYSTEM directory:




The Manufacturing Control Number (MCN) of the system.


The Cell Serial Number (CSN) of the system.

Product Name

The name of the product.

File Name

The name of the selected file.


The File KIND value.

Date Installed

The date and time when the file was installed (CopyDestTime).

Date Last Used

The date and time when the file was last used (Execution time).

Use Count

The number of times the file has been executed from the time it was installed.

Release ID

The release ID of the file.

License Key

The license key of the file.

MCP Version

The MCP release running on the system.

MCP Firmware Version

The MCP Firmware level running on the system.

Class of System

The class of system of the machine (for example, CPFM1, CPFM2, and so on).

General Features

The MCP Software Inventory Utility provides the following features:

  • Generates Windows Event log entries that detail any missing critical Problem List Entry (PLE) updates for the system and a list of products containing the latest critical PLEs available for the MCP release that the system is running. The missing critical PLE updates are also made available in a text file.

    Information on missing critical PLE updates is also sent back to the MCP system from which the data was received. The MCP system displays this information and makes it available in the SUMLOG. An RSVP entry is created after the information has been displayed by the MCP system.

  • Generates a data file in the Windows system that contains information on the MCP firmware and software levels that are installed on the system, and the latest PLEs, firmware and software levels that are available from Unisys. This data file is in CSV format which can be viewed as a spreadsheet using an application such as Microsoft Excel.

  • Tracks the expiration of the MCP software processor license key if an expiration date is specified for the license key. The MCP Software Inventory Utility verifies if the active key is permanent or temporary and tracks the remaining number of days until the license key expires and provides email and RSVP alerts. You may configure the EMAIL utility on the MCP host where the MCP Software Inventory Utility is installed to send an e-mail alert when the license key is nearing the expiration date.

  • Generates a data file in the MCP system which contains the inventory data collected by the utility. This file is in CSV format and can be accessed using a spreadsheet application, such as Microsoft Excel. The data in the CSV file is replaced every month with new data when the scheduled WFL job executes

Configuration Requirements

Windows Environment

  • Windows operating system

    See the compatibility matrices at the URL below.

  • Microsoft .NET Framework

    See the compatibility matrices at the URL below.

  • Configuring the Windows Firewall to allow Microsoft Azure cloud and the Unisys Product Support site access to port 443 on the system where the Windows component of the MCP Software Inventory Utility is installed.

MCP Software

  • See the compatibility matrices at the URL below.

  • Application Integration Services (AIS) software that supports the AIS MCP Call-Out Services feature must be installed in the MCP and Windows environments where the MCP Software Inventory Utility is installed.

Compatibility Matrices at

Ordering Information

MCP Software Inventory Utility is included as part of the operating environment for ClearPath MCP systems. Source code is not available for this product.

Product Information

Refer to the ClearPath MCP Software Inventory Utility User’s Guide (8231 2448-001) for more information.