Product Overview
Pascal is a high-level, block-structured language with strong data structuring and data typing capabilities. The clean, elegant syntax of Pascal makes the language easy to learn and leads to readable, maintainable programs.
Enterprise server Pascal is based on the ANSI/IEEE 770 X3.97-1983 Pascal standard with major extensions to provide access to BNA functions. It is also integrated with and provides programmatic interfaces to the Advanced Data Dictionary System (ADDS) and Transaction Server.
General Features
The enterprise server Pascal compiler enables you to compile Pascal programs fast and efficiently and offers excellent error diagnostics and recovery from syntax errors. Standard compiler options are available, and you can use standard file attributes.
Extensions to the ANSI/IEEE Standard
The enterprise server Pascal compiler contains the following extensions:
Full support of variable length strings
Access to BNA functions
Integrated programmatic interface to the Advanced Data Dictionary System (ADDS) and Transaction Server
Module concept to control visibility to program elements
Support for single and double precision fixed point numbers
Creation and invocation of ClearPath MCP libraries
Definition of structured constants
Data compatibility among Pascal, COBOL74, COBOL85, RPG, and ALGOL programs and compilers
Sort and Merge Features
You have the ability to
Read input records from a file or from a routine within the program.
Write output records to a file or to a routine within the program.
Sort the records in ascending or descending order.
Select a particular collating sequence to use for the sort or merge action. The collating sequences that you can specify include EBCDIC, ASCII, a sequence that you define, or an internationalized, coded character set version. If you do not specify a collating sequence, the default is EBCDIC.
Order the records based on specified keys or through the use of a specially written comparison routine.
Perform the sort action by using (for its intermediary workspace) memory only, memory and disk, memory and tape, or all three.
Restart the sort or merge action.
Ordering Information
Platform |
Style |
ClearPath |
The ordering style for the Pascal compiler is CSP 10nn-PAS, where nn represents performance groups 10 through 160 (in increments of 10). |
Source code is available for this product. You can license it separately.
Product Information
Refer to the following documents for more information:
Pascal Programming Reference Manual, Volume 1: Basic Implementation (8600 0080)
Pascal Programming Reference Manual, Volume 2: Product Interfaces (8600 1294)