DSI LibraryManager

Product Overview

LibraryManager from Dynamic Solutions International (DSI) is versatile, scalable, and provides an easy-to-use interface that makes it a global leader in robotic management based on the MCP. LibraryManager is easy to install and set up and does not require any patches to the MCP or other software. The following figure illustrates the components of the tape library system

Figure 5. Tape Library System Components

Tape Library System Components

General Features

LibraryManager includes the following general features.

  • Supports all tape cartridge types supported by the MCP.

  • Supports all sizes of cartridge libraries from 20 to more than 64,000 cartridges.

  • Optionally provides simultaneous support for multiple automated libraries.

  • Integrates with DSI Virtual Tape Library (VTL) through the DSI VTL Agent

  • Supports multiple MCP hosts that are accessing one or more libraries simultaneously.

  • Supports Oracle/Sun/StorageTek libraries through ACSLS.

  • Integrates with DSI TapeManager and other third-party tape management software.

  • Includes the common application programming interface (API) provided for all types of cartridge libraries.

  • Support VTL backend processes including replication, archive and backend libraries (requires DSI VTL Agent 2.2 or greater).

  • Support from B&L Associates BLLIB when used with the B&L Associates LIBRARYSERVER product.

  • Supports Data Domain VTL systems.

Configuration Requirements


  • Qualified cartridge tape library, DSI VTL system, or Data Domain system with VTL option

  • DSI Library Controller (DSI1002-IPI or DSI1003-IPF)


  • DSI TapeManager or media manager interface

  • DSI VTL Agent 2.2 or later (optional)

  • ClearPath MCP Release 18.0 or later

Ordering Information

Your Unisys representative can help you select the components suited to your business needs.

Product Information

Documentation for this product is located on the Unisys Product Support site.