Work Flow Language (WFL)

Product Overview

The WFL compiler checks WFL language syntax and translates job control statements into object code. A job file is created that contains the object code, source statements, data checks, and space for logging and restart information.

General Features

The WFL compiler accepts job specifications from a variety of sources, including

  • Operator display terminals (ODT)

  • Operations Center (for ClearPath servers)

  • Menu Assisted Resource Control (MARC) sessions

  • Menu Command and Edit (CANDE) sessions

  • Menu Running WFL jobs

  • Menu Remote job entry (RJE)

  • Menu Executing programs

Types of Jobs that WFL Executes shows the types of jobs that WFL can execute.

Figure 2. Types of Jobs that WFL Executes

Types of Jobs that WFL Executes

Many features enable the flexible handling of jobs that consist of a number of dependent or independent tasks. These features include

  • Use of strings and procedures to enable dynamic processing, which can be run-time dependent.

  • Task initiation to start user programs and system functions in separate tasks. These tasks can be executed serially or processed in parallel.

  • Interrogation and control of tasks by associating a task variable with each task.

  • Setting and modification of file attributes through the file equation process, enabling appropriate file specifications to be set.

  • Control statements to enable files to be created, removed, or copied or to have their security status changed.

WFL supports the wrapping and unwrapping of native MCP Environment files so that they can coexist on the same CD-ROM media as files that are not in the MCP Environment. You can wrap and unwrap a file, a list of files, or a directory of files. You can also specify both the input and output files or the directory title and its location. File wrapping is available if you license the WRAP File Enabler, Heritage Host Services, or Native File Transfer.


WFL is case-insensitive; keywords and variables can be in uppercase letters, lowercase letters, or mixed capitalization.

Continuation Character for Node Names

You can use an ampersand (&) to concatenate constant strings across more than one line to create longer node names.

File and Attribute Limits for ALTER, PRINT and SECURITY

The maximum number of file names specified in a single ALTER, PRINT, or SECURITY statement varies. That number is determined by the size of the file names and the number of attributes associated with the request.

WFL Compiler and Security

WFL can open a PUBLIC SECURED file (or one guarded with a guardfile that allows EXECUTE access). WFL can use such files as the job source file and as included files (files identified in a $INCLUDE compiler option specification).

The $LIST compiler option is reset if a user does not have read access to the job source file and any included files. The source images are not printed in either the compiler output file or the job summary file.

If you use the CANDE START command to start a JOBSYMBOL or DATA file that is secured, CANDE returns #FILE NOT AVAILABLE. Use WFL START from CANDE to start the job.

New Features/Enhancements

Support for the REPORT option of the WRAP and UNWRAP statements has been added to WFL. When specified, the REPORT option generates a report that details the success or failure of each file that was wrapped into or unwrapped from a container.

Ordering Information

Work Flow Language is included as part of the operating environment for ClearPath servers. Source code is available for this product. It is included as part of the operating environment source products, which you can license separately.

Product Information

Refer to the following documents for more information:

  • Task Attributes Programming Reference Manual (8600 0502)

  • Task Management Programming Guide (8600 0494)

  • WFL Made Simple (8807 7391)

  • Work Flow Language (WFL) Programming Reference Manual (8600 1047)