SORT Compiler

Product Overview

SORT compiler accepts SORT language statements and invokes the MCP SORT intrinsic to sort and merge files. You can access it through CANDE or through WFL where the file is of type SORT.

General Features

With the SORT compiler, you can

  • Sort records in multiple files.

  • Merge records in up to eight files.

  • Specify records to be included or excluded from the sort/merge process.

  • Specify up to 200 keys in ascending or descending order.

  • Sort by using tags.

  • Specify a stable sort, in which records with identical keys maintain their original order.

Ordering Information

The SORT compiler is included as part of the operating environment. Source code is available for this product. It is included as part of the operating environment source product, which you can license separately.

Product Information

Refer to the SORT Language Programming Reference Manual (8807 6583) for more information.