Product Overview
Business Information Server is an enterprise decision-support system providing information access, analysis, and reporting. It is designed for both end-user ad-hoc analysis and the rapid development of sophisticated decision-support applications.
Business Information Server is a complete environment for creating, organizing, and managing Internet and intranet applications. Business Information Server enables Web application developers to transform the data in existing databases and applications into new applications for new and existing users. Business Information Server also enables application developers or administrators to organize and to manage all the back-end services and front-end Web applications.
With Business Information Server application developers can take advantage of the native scripting language and industry-standard JavaScript.
The Relational Interface (MRI) provides developers with an interface to retrieve and update data in external relational databases. Once the data is retrieved, you can use the full set of Business Information Server commands to manipulate the data. Business Information Server can retrieve data from Enterprise Database Server for ClearPath MCP in addition to other popular databases.
Business Information Server runs on the following popular operating systems:
When creating new Web applications, application developers can use Business Information Server to
Leverage existing business systems by integrating multiple databases and transaction systems from one or more suppliers.
Decrease the development time using wizards as templates for competing solutions.
Provide a secure environment with two levels of security for Web servers and applications.
Lower administration costs with a single administration facility.
Business Information Server is based on its own repository. By storing all scripts, services, images, and other objects related to Web applications in the Business Information Server repository, application developers can easily organize, manage, and distribute the Web applications of an enterprise.
General Features
Supported Databases
Business Information Server supports connectivity to the messaging and transaction systems on the following databases:
Enterprise Database Server for ClearPath MCP
Enterprise Network Database Server for ClearPath OS 2200
Relational Database Management System (RDMS)
Microsoft SQL Server
WebSphere MQ
Oracle Tuxedo
Other Business Information Server repositories
Any ODBC-compliant and OLE DB data source
Data Integration
Using the data application access functions of the Business Information Server engine, application developers can create Web applications that
Access multiple, diverse, back-end databases and applications running on existing departmental and enterprise servers.
Extract data from these databases and applications.
Merge the data into a single data set.
The existing back-end databases and applications continue to support current business processes and users. External users (those who use a Web browser) always see current information from the databases because the existing applications and business processes continue to maintain the data. Any updates made by external users are also visible to internal applications and business processes.
Data Manipulation
Business Information Server enables you to further manipulate or process the data that has been extracted from the databases and applications. By using the analytical functions of the Business Information Server engine, application developers can perform the following types of operation on the data:
Search—Find a character string.
Sort—Place the lines of data in a specified order.
Count—Analyze and summarize data.
Total—Perform arithmetic operations on data.
Calculate—Compute, compare, and replace numeric data, character strings, dates, and times.
Other analytical functions.
After extracting and manipulating the data, application developers can
Add, as needed, HTML and client-side scripting to properly display the data in a Web browser.
Chart or plot the data, if appropriate, using the graphing engine.
Configuration Requirements
For information regarding Business Information Server configuration requirements, see the Business Information Server documentation library on the Unisys Product Support site.
Ordering Information
Contact your Unisys representative to obtain information about the correct ordering style for Business Information Server. Source code is not available for this product.
Evaluation Software
A 90-day evaluation of Business Information Server for Microsoft Windows (32-bit or 64-bit) is available in the Business Information Server section of the Unisys website.
To continue using Business Information Server software after the 90-day evaluation period has expired, you must purchase a license.
Product Information
Refer to the following documents for more information:
Business Information Server for Microsoft Windows Software Release Announcement (7846 0268 )
Business Information Server Resource Adapter for the Java Platform Developer’s Guide (3839 6529)
Business Information Server for Microsoft Windows Installation Help (7850 2671)
Business Information Server for Microsoft Windows Administration Help (7846 0284)
Business Information Server Application Portability Quick Reference (7832 1205)
Business Information Server Standard Help Library (6885 2797)
(This library includes Business Information Server Command Reference, Business Information Server Developer’s Guide, Business Information Server User’s Guide, Business Information Server JavaScript Developer’s Help, and MRI Administration and User’s Guide.)
Business Information Server ODBC Server Help (7850 2655)
Internet Commerce Enabler Developer’s Reference Manual (7850 2465)
Internet Commerce Enabler Technical Overview (7850 2473)