ClearPath MCP 20.0
May 2021
8807 7144-024
Copyright © 2021 Unisys Corporation.
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Table of Contents
- Using This Catalog
- Operating Environments
- Administration Center
- CD-ROM Formatter
- Client Access Services
- Command and Edit (CANDE) Language
- Installation Center
- Master Control Program (MCP)
- Menu-Assisted Resource Control (MARC)
- Metering Technology
- Operations Center
- Print Center
- Print System
- Simple Installation (SI) Program
- Software Inventory Assessment Utility
- Software License Management for ClearPath MCP
- System Software Utilities
- Work Flow Language (WFL)
- Security
- Disk Encryption
- Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)
- Unisys Locum Security, Alerting, Assessment, Auditing, and Administration Products
- Multi-Factor Authentication
- Operating Environment Encryption Option
- Secure Access Control Module
- Secure File Transfer for ClearPath MCP
- Secure Shell (SSH) for ClearPath MCP
- Security Center
- Security Software Developer's Kit (SDK)
- Security Support Library
- Tape Encryption
- Application Development
- ALGOL Compiler
- ALGOL Test and Debug System (TADS)
- C Compiler
- C Test and Debug System (TADS)
- ClearPath Application Integration Services Product
- ClearPath ePortal
- ClearPath Extension Kit for MCP
- ClearPath Visual IDE
- COBOL74 Compiler
- COBOL74 Test and Debug System (TADS)
- COBOL85 Compiler
- COBOL85 Test and Debug System (TADS)
- Cross-Reference Symbolic
- Data Comm ALGOL Compiler
- Editor
- FORTRAN77 Compiler
- FORTRAN77 Test and Debug System (TADS)
- NEWP Compiler
- Pascal Compiler
- Program Binder
- Programmers Workbench for ClearPath MCP
- Report Program Generator (RPG) Compiler
- SORT Compiler
- SURE Software Management and Change Control
- Unisys XML Parser for ClearPath MCP
- Tools and Utilities
- Activity Reporting System (BARS)
- Billing Support Library
- Client System Component (CSC) for ACSLS
- Data Compression
- DSI FileManager
- DSI LibraryManager
- DSI TapeManager
- Enterprise Output Manager
- MCP TapeStack
- MultiLingual System (MLS)
- Remote Print System
- SAN DataMover
- SAN Mirror Disk Certify
- SAN Mirror Disk Manager
- SAN Spare Disk Manager
- SAN StoreSafe Manager
- System Assistant
- System Logger
- TCP/IP Print Enabler (TPE)
- WRAP File Enabler
- Performance Monitoring and Capacity Planning
- Sightline Capacity Power Agent (CPA)
- Sightline Enterprise Data Manager (EDM)
- Sightline Expert Advisor/Vision (EA/V)
- Sightline Interface Agents
- Sightline Performance Power Agent (PPA)
- Sightline Workload Analyzer (SWA)
- TeamQuest Express
- TeamQuest Extended NAP Probes
- TeamQuest Model
- TeamQuest Online
- TeamQuest Probes
- TeamQuest SMFII
- Database, Query, and Reporting
- Advanced Data Dictionary System (ADDS)
- Application Data Access
- Database Certification
- Database Encryption
- Database Interpreter
- Database Operations Center
- Data Exchange
- dbaTOOLS
- Enterprise Database OLE DB Data Provider for ClearPath MCP
- Enterprise Database Server for ClearPath MCP
- Enterprise Database Server Inquiry
- Enterprise Database Server Transaction Processing System (TPS)
- Extended Retrieval with Graphic Output (ERGO)
- Quiesce Database Copy (QDC) as a Backup Source
- Quiesce Database Copy (QDC) as a Recovery Source
- Quiesce Database Copy (QDC) for Single Host Systems
- Relational Database Server for ClearPath MCP
- Remote Database Backup
- Communications and Networking
- Internet and Transaction Processing
- Business Information Server
- ClearPath MCP Interface to Microsoft Message Queuing
- HTTP Client for ClearPath MCP
- MCP Transaction Resource Adapter for the Java Platform
- TCP/IP Application Services for ClearPath MCP
- TCP/IP Interprocess Communications Services
- Transaction Center
- Transaction Server
- Web Enabler for ClearPath MCP
- Web Enabling Components for ClearPath MCP
- Web Transaction Server for ClearPath MCP
- WebSphere MQ for ClearPath MCP
- Systems Management
- Advanced Development Environments
- Support, Source, and SSU Subscription Information
- Operating Environment Content
- Acronym List for Software Products
- Product Renaming Tables
List of Figures
- 1. Functions of WIN RPC
- 2. Types of Jobs that WFL Executes
- 3. Sample CSC for ACSLS Configuration
- 4. Sample CSC for ACSLS Configuration with multiple ACSLS servers
- 5. Tape Library System Components
- 6. Output Manager Environment
- 7. TCP/IP Print Enabler Configuration Example
- 8. Restoring Files Using the Unwrap Facility
List of Tables