Product Overview
Secure File Transfer for ClearPath MCP allows the secure transfer of MCP files between two MCP hosts. The MCP attributes, such as FILEKIND, are preserved across the transfer, and the data can also be encrypted, enabling secure transfer with SSL/TLS or SSH.
General Features
The capabilities provided by Secure File Transfer for ClearPath MCP include the following:
For SSL/TLS, the transfer of information can be secured over the network by specifying which data is to be secured (login credentials, control data, and/or data).
MCP attributes are preserved between the source and destination file.
The transfer of hazardous files is controlled to prevent code files from being executed at the destination host without intervention by a security administrator.
The MCP supports secure terminal sessions over SSH. You can use any SSH terminal (such as PuTTY or Tectia SSH) to connect to your MCP server over SSH.
A secure transfer is initiated using the COPY [FTP] command, as well as through the FTP Interactive and Scripting clients, and can be secured using either SSL/TLS or SSH. A secure transfer is also initiated using the COPY [SFTP], but can only be secured using SSH.
You can transfer files securely from one MCP host to another MCP host without wrapping the file to preserve the source file attributes. Data and/or login credentials can be encrypted to prevent viewing during transmission over the network, preventing security compromise. The transfer of hazardous files is controlled by using the system security option RESTRICTUNWRAP to prevent code files from being executed at the destination host without intervention from a security administrator.
Initiating a secure transfer is easy using any of the FTP client interfaces. You simply set the option type MCPDATA in the transfer syntax.
Configuration Requirements
Hardware |
An Intel-based server or Cryptography CoProcessor attached to one of the following Libra servers: 880 or 890. |
System Software |
TCP/IP Interprocess Communication Services Operating Environment Encryption Option |
Ordering Information
The ordering style for Secure File Transfer for ClearPath MCP is CSP 10nn-NFT, where nn represents performance groups 10 through 160 (in increments of 10).
Product Information
Refer to the following documents for more information:
TCP/IP Distributed System Services Operations Guide (8807 6385)
Work Flow Language Programming Reference Manual (8600 1047)
MCP Security Overview and Implementation Guide (8205 7498)