Product Overview
TeamQuest Online enables you to monitor performance on your enterprise server system. TeamQuest Online gathers measurement data into a TeamQuest Online database and maintains this database on a daily basis. You can access this data and present it in textual report format or graphic displays by using the TeamQuest View user-interface software that is included with this product. TeamQuest Online does not collect or analyze long-term historical data.
The TeamQuest Probes software package is also available for use with TeamQuest Online. It contains a set of data collectors (probes) that gather additional measurement data for TeamQuest Online.
General Features
TeamQuest Online enables you to perform the following tasks:
Analyze and view system performance data in a real-time monitor.
Present reports simultaneously from multiple hosts.
View predefined reports from a real-time monitor.
Perform correlation analysis between performance statistics.
Produce hard-copy output of reports with a printer or a plotter.
Cut and paste reports to software such as spreadsheet or word processing packages.
Export report data into ASCII files, which can be used in other software packages such as spreadsheets or word processors.
Export report data directly into Microsoft Excel.
Save and restore reporting environments specific to your site.
Configuration Requirements
TeamQuest Online operates on any MCP system.
For TCP/IP socket connections, the MCP system must be connected through a TCP/IP LAN to the workstation running TeamQuest View.
Ordering Information
Platform |
Style |
ClearPath |
The ordering style for TeamQuest Online is CSP 10nn-ONL, where nn represents performance groups 10 through 160 (in increments of 10). |
Source code is not available for this product.
Product Information
Product information is available on the TeamQuest CD-ROM, which is shipped with the product.