TeamQuest Online

Product Overview

TeamQuest Online enables you to monitor performance on your enterprise server system. TeamQuest Online gathers measurement data into a TeamQuest Online database and maintains this database on a daily basis. You can access this data and present it in textual report format or graphic displays by using the TeamQuest View user-interface software that is included with this product. TeamQuest Online does not collect or analyze long-term historical data.

The TeamQuest Probes software package is also available for use with TeamQuest Online. It contains a set of data collectors (probes) that gather additional measurement data for TeamQuest Online.

General Features

TeamQuest Online enables you to perform the following tasks:

  • Analyze and view system performance data in a real-time monitor.

  • Present reports simultaneously from multiple hosts.

  • View predefined reports from a real-time monitor.

  • Perform correlation analysis between performance statistics.

  • Produce hard-copy output of reports with a printer or a plotter.

  • Cut and paste reports to software such as spreadsheet or word processing packages.

  • Export report data into ASCII files, which can be used in other software packages such as spreadsheets or word processors.

  • Export report data directly into Microsoft Excel.

  • Save and restore reporting environments specific to your site.

Configuration Requirements

TeamQuest Online operates on any MCP system.

For TCP/IP socket connections, the MCP system must be connected through a TCP/IP LAN to the workstation running TeamQuest View.

Ordering Information




The ordering style for TeamQuest Online is CSP 10nn-ONL, where nn represents performance groups 10 through 160 (in increments of 10).

Source code is not available for this product.

Product Information

Product information is available on the TeamQuest CD-ROM, which is shipped with the product.