Web Enabling Components for ClearPath MCP

Product Overview

Web Enabling Components for ClearPath MCP are a collection of prebuilt Microsoft COM and JavaBean components that can be used by Visual Basic and Java developers to build Web-enabled applications that communicate with MCP applications.

General Features

A component is a prebuilt, reusable piece of software that can be quickly and easily combined with other components or custom-written code to build a complete custom-tailored application. Web Enabling Components for ClearPath MCP are a collection of components that enable developers to create customized Visual Basic or Java applets and applications that access MCP server applications. Together, they provide services ranging from basic communication to full T27 emulation.

Component Overview

  • WebEnabler Control. This Microsoft COM Control can be used in a Visual Basic application. It implements a fully featured, multipurpose T27 terminal emulator. Web Enabler Control can be used to provide programming services to applications that act as T27 clients or process T27 data stream messages.

  • WebStation. This JavaBean component can be used in a Java application or applet. It implements a fully featured, multipurpose T27 terminal emulator. WebStation can be used to provide programming services to applications that act as T27 clients or process T27 data stream messages.

  • TerminalService. This JavaBean component implements the Terminal Services protocol of the Transaction Server Custom Connect Facility (CCF). Terminal Services provides the facilities necessary to emulate the services offered in the past to data communications devices. These facilities include terminal attribute negotiation, virtual terminal editing, and character set translation.

  • NXConnector. This JavaBean component implements several low-level CCF framing protocols including the COMSock Standard Message Frame. It is used for basic communication between a client application and CCF.

Server Connection Shortcut

The run-time environment menu system (Advanced menu) includes the Connect To option. You can use this option to reconnect to the current server or connect to another server.

Configuration Requirements

System Software

Transaction Server

See the Compatibility Matrices at the URL below.

Compatibility Matrices at


Client Software

The COM version of Web Enabling Components for ClearPath MCP can be used in conjunction with Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 and the Microsoft Virtual Machine build 3194 or later.

The Java Bean versions of Web Enabling Components for ClearPath MCP can be used in any Java 1.1 or higher development environment and with Java 1.1 or higher Java Virtual Machine (JVM 1.1).

Ordering Information

Web Enabling Components for ClearPath MCP is included as a part of the operating environment. Source code is not available for this product.

Product Information

Refer to the Web Enabling Components for ClearPath MCP Implementation Guide (4310 5816) for more information.