Client System Component (CSC) for ACSLS

Product Overview

The Enterprise version of Client System Component (CSC) for ACSLS from the University of Washington provides an interface from ClearPath servers to an automated tape library system. The CSC for ACSLS is versatile and scalable, and provides an easy-to-use interface. These features make CSC for ACSLS a global leader in MCP robotic tape management.

Figure 5-1 illustrates the CSC for ACSLS software in a ClearPath server and the interface to a tape library system. This graphic illustrates the simplest configuration.

Figure 3. Sample CSC for ACSLS Configuration

Sample CSC for ACSLS Configuration

Figure 5-2 illustrates a configuration with multiple, independent ACSLS servers.

Figure 4. Sample CSC for ACSLS Configuration with multiple ACSLS servers

Sample CSC for ACSLS Configuration with multiple ACSLS servers

The software also supports multiples of each MCP server (with CSC for ACSLS software on each MCP server), multiple independent ACSLS servers, and multiple Tape Library Systems.

General Features

CSC for ACSLS supports the following general features:

  • All MCP-supported tape drives and cartridges

  • Tape libraries consisting of up to 100,000 cartridges

  • Simultaneous support of multiple tape libraries

  • Dynamic tape drive sharing across MCP platforms

  • Mixed-vendor libraries

  • Single or multiple libraries on multiple ClearPath servers

  • Ability to interface with multiple independent ACSLS instances

  • Support for high availability ACSLS HA environments

  • Integration with all tape management systems in the MCP market, including B&L Associates, Metalogic, and Dynamic Solutions International (DSI), as well as customer-developed tape management systems.

  • CSC/Enterprise licenses are available based on the number of volumes seen by the MCP host.

Configuration Requirements


  • Qualified cartridge tape library

  • Qualified server running the Automated Cartridge System Library Software (ACSLS)


  • ClearPath MCP Release 18.0 or later

  • ACSLS release 7.1 or later

Ordering Information

Your Unisys representative can help you select the components suited to your business needs.

Product Information

Documentation for this product is located on the Unisys Product Support site.