Product Overview
The Network Administrative Utility (NAU) builds and maintains a consistent set of configuration files for application hosts in BNAv2, OSI, and TCP/IP networks. To describe the network, the operator fills out a set of annotated and defaulted menus. The operator’s responses are saved in an Enterprise Database Server database.
Information that can be specified from these NAU menus includes host names, network addresses, device types, and line types. After a network version definition passes consistency checking, initialization files can be generated and distributed to the hosts for which they were generated.
General Features
NAU is an interactive, menu-oriented facility for administering network configurations. The NAU includes an online Teach facility to help a user understand the parameters and functions associated with any menu.
The NAU includes the following capabilities:
Generates initialization files for hosts in the network.
Automatically generates a basic network description by supplying default values where appropriate from minimal configuration data entered.
Enables network administrators to define multiple configurations and test changes to a network configuration before making those changes permanent.
Analyzes configuration information (which an operator enters) for compatibility with other components in a network description and, upon request, reports on inconsistencies.
Prints network description reports upon request.
Builds initialization files on the host on which the NAU is run. To help transfer the initialization files to the appropriate hosts in the network, the NAU, upon request, creates distribution Work Flow Language (WFL) jobs.
Provides a novice option to simplify installation and configuration for small networks.
Network Management Install Utility
The Network Management Install Utility, also referred to as the Install Utility, provides options for installing Network Management. The Install Utility is integrated with the Simple Installation program (SI).
The Install Utility provides these installation options:
Install NAU for the first time
Upgrade level of existing NAU
You can execute the Install Utility directly to perform the following maintenance functions:
Archive audit files
Restore previous NAU release
The NAU supports the configuration of
Host-resident BNA as an independent network provider
Core Network Services (CNS) attributes
BNA over IP for application hosts
Network Services
The NAU supports these configuration requirements:
As many as nine different release levels per network version
Information required by the CP Proxy Agent Object Manager
BNA over IP
The NAU allows you to specify a source IP address for each destination IP address in the Neighbor IP Address list. When you specify a source IP address, the address points to the local host ICP that must be used to route BNA over IP connections to the associated destination IP address. If you do not specify a source address, the TCP/IP network provider chooses the routing path.
TCP/IP End-System Security
The NAU provides a mechanism for inserting TCP/IP end-system security commands in the TCP/IP initialization file. You can explicitly disable or enable TCP/IP end-system security (it is enabled by default), and you can specify that a particular rules file be loaded.
Ordering Information
Platform |
Style |
ClearPath |
NAU is included as part of the operating environment. Source code is available for this product. It is included as part of the operating environment source product, which you can license separately. |
Product Information
Refer to the following documents for more information:
BNA/CNS Network Software Implementation Guide, Volume 1: Planning (3789 7006)
BNA/CNS Network Software Implementation Guide, Volume 2: Installation and Configuration (3789 7014)
Network Services Implementation Guide (4198 6670)
Network Administrative Utility (NAU) Operations Guide (3787 7792)
Networking Commands and Inquiries Help (4310 3506)
TCP/IP for MCP v3 Networks Implementation and Operations Guide (8205 0386)