Product Overview
The Simple Installation (SI) program simplifies the task of installing the MCP software on your ClearPath server. The basic SI operation creates and executes a WFL job that copies and installs your licensed software.
General Features
The basic capabilities of SI are:
Copying ClearPath MCP software
Installing ClearPath MCP software
Maintaining ClearPath MCP software
Basic SI operations use both the software Installdatafile and the SI WFL job. The Installdatafile is a data file that comes with the software release and contains the information Installation Center uses to install the software. The SI WFL job is a WFL job that SI creates that specifies the copy (or unwrap) and installation instructions for the installation.
Ordering Information
SI is included as part of the operating environment. Source code is not available for this product.
Product Information
Refer to the Simple Installation Operations Guide for more information.