Product Overview
The REPORTER III system provides an effective method of retrieving, analyzing, and reporting information maintained by a data processing system. REPORTER III uses the power of host systems to eliminate the mechanical and time-consuming aspects of report preparation.
REPORTER III and its documentation require a basic understanding of data processing concepts. However, REPORTER III also has sufficient power and flexibility to satisfy the requirements of experienced users.
The REPORTER III system can access data from one or more Enterprise Database Server databases.
General Features
The REPORTER III system contains two free-form languages:
Vocabulary Language—a language designed to create a vocabulary (dictionary) of descriptions and definitions of the data to be reported. The vocabulary language can accept an independent description or can use existing COBOL record descriptions or database directories. Once a vocabulary is defined, you can use it repetitively for reporting.
Report Language—a report description language that permits the specification of an unlimited variety of reports. The need for traditional programming expertise is eliminated by the nontechnical language.
REPORTER III generates an ANSI-85 or ANSI-74 COBOL program (user option) that is tailored to the exact reporting requirements. The generative approach speeds recurrent reporting while also affording the flexibility needed for cost-effective, one-time reporting.
REPORTER III includes the following powerful features:
Entering data from multiple structures
Deriving data by arithmetic operations and table lookup
Matching of records based on data field values
Selecting data based on simple-to-complex criteria
Specified sorting of data in ascending or descending order, on multiple keys
Automatic aging, using a variety of date formats
Powerful statistical functions including count, total, mean, variance, and standard deviation—with all required logic supplied automatically
Summary-only (matrix) reports
Multilevel control break and range break handling, including summary statistics for each control break or range
Completely automatic formatting of printed reports including overflow to additional lines and pages
Optional, controlled formatting of printed special reports, preprinted forms, or confirmations
Constructing and redefining existing data to form new data
Secure access through a password system
Automatic system scheduling with full override options
Generation of multiple reports in one pass through the input data
Creation of one or more files of extracted data for subsequent processing or reporting
Additionally, REPORTER III provides the auditor with an effective means for testing and evaluating the records produced by a data processing system. REPORTER III greatly facilitates the auditor’s analysis by using the power of a host system to accomplish tasks such as
Testing extensions and footings
Selecting and printing audit samples
Examining records for completeness, consistency, and valid conditions
Summarizing data
Comparing duplicate or related data for correctness and consistency
Comparing audit data with computerized records
Ordering Information
Platform |
Style |
ClearPath |
The ordering style for REPORTER III is CSP 10nn-RP3, where nn represents performance groups 10 through 160 (in increments of 10). |
Source code is available for this product. You can license it separately.
Product Information
Refer to the following documents for more information:
REPORTER III Report Language Operations Guide (1177185)
REPORTER III Vocabulary Language Operations Guide (1177177)