Product Overview
Heritage Host Services provides the system functions that allow BNA Version 2 host systems to interoperate with other BNAv2 host systems in a distributed processing environment. Heritage Host Services supplies extensions to the operating systems of the hosts operating within the BNA network. These host services functions provide the resource sharing and file access and transfer capabilities among the network of systems.
General Features
Heritage Host Services includes distributed processing features such as
Remote sharing of files, peripherals, and terminals
Remote processing of jobs, programs, or subprograms (tasks)
Remote operational control and communication, as if you were on the local server
Heritage Host Services functions include the following:
File Transfer. You can transfer a file from one server to another server in the network.
Native File Transfer. A higher speed variant of File Transfer that uses a 5400-byte, fixed-length block and a unidirectional data transfer protocol, Native File Transfer operates only between two enterprise servers.
Job Transfer and Control. You can submit a job on one host and execute it on a different host.
Remote Tasking. You can use a task (process) to initiate and control subtasks at a remote enterprise server.
Command Transfer. You can request that system commands entered at a local host be delivered to a particular remote host. Any responses to this input automatically return to the local host.
Status Change. You can see any status changes that affect jobs or tasks processing at remote hosts on the originating host.
Station Transfer. You can request that a data communication terminal that is physically connected to one host in the network be logically connected to another host. You can then operate your terminal as if it were directly connected to the remote host.
Secure File Transfer for ClearPath MCP: You can securely transfer files between servers.
Remote File Access. An application program can create or access a file on a remote host in exactly the same manner as if the file were on the local host. The only requirement is that the HOSTNAME attribute of the file be set to the name of the remote server where the file resides.
WRAP File Enabler Support. You can package native MCP files, along with their MCP attributes, as byte stream data files. This capability enables you to transport native MCP files across heterogeneous networks while preserving their native file attributes. When these files arrive back in an MCP Environment, you can use the MCP unwrap facility to restore them to their original format.
Each BNA host maintains control over its own resources and is free to either grant or deny resource requests made by any other host.
The host name of each host is used to identify the location of any desired resource; thus, each potential resource in the network is given the attribute of host name in addition to the attributes required to correctly identify the resource within any one host. For example, if the host name of a file required by a process is different from the local host name, this situation automatically results in the file being accessed in the remote host with the corresponding host name.
Configuration Requirements
Heritage Network Services must be installed.
BNA over IP for Application Hosts is required if layer-3 switches or routers are in the path between the hosts.
Ordering Information
Platform |
Style |
ClearPath |
The ordering style for Heritage Host Services is CSP 10nn-HSV, where nn represents performance groups 10 through 160 (in increments of 10). |
Source code is available for this product. You can license it separately.
Product Information
Refer to the following documents for more information:
Distributed Systems Services Operations Guide (8600 0122)
I/O Subsystem Programming Guide (8600 0056)
System Commands Reference (8600 0395)