Product Overview
Print Center provides an easy-to-use Microsoft Windows-based user interface to the MCP Print System (PS). Both privileged and nonprivileged users can use this interface. System administrators and operators can monitor and control all aspects of the Print System, while nonprivileged users can work with their own print requests, devices, and other resources.
General Features
The Print Requests function enables you to view all the print requests within the Print System or those that belong to your usercode. You can control what types of requests and information are displayed. You can also modify various properties of the requests and manipulate requests to suit your the printing needs of your site.
The Print Devices function enables you to view all the devices within the Print System or those that belong to your usercode. You can control what types of devices and related information are displayed. You can also define new devices, modify various properties and page composition elements, and manipulate devices to suit the printing needs of your site. International printing capabilities are also available.
The PS Commands function enables you to execute PS commands for configuring and controlling the Print System. You can also display the current default settings of the Print System and perform tasks that are not included elsewhere in the Print Center interface.
The Print System Properties function enables system users and privileged users to set the default values and the print request selection criteria for the Print System. Nonprivileged users can view the current settings.
The Printer Groups function enables system users and privileged users to define groups of printers and modify the contents of existing printer groups. Nonprivileged users can view the current printer groups within the Print System.
The Header function enables system users and privileged users to format and control the information displayed on a header page.
The Trailer function enables system users and privileged users to format and control the information displayed on a trailer page.
The Banner function enables system users and privileged users to format and control the information displayed on a banner page.
The Print Destinations function enables you to view all the devices within the Print System or those that belong to your usercode. You can control what types of destinations and information are displayed. You can also specify the destination at which a file is to be printed, modify various properties and page composition elements, and manipulate destinations to suit the printing needs of your site.
The Active Servers function enables system users and privileged users to control peripheral, station, virtual, and BNA (remote) printers in the Print System.
The Request Status function enables you to view the number of print requests that are currently in the Printing, Waiting, Exception, and Stopped Printing states.
The Print Files function enables you to view and modify information about backup files. You can also view and modify the page composition attributes of the associated print requests.
With the Print File Viewer, which appears as a separate window, you can inspect the contents of a selected print file.
The Associations function enables system users and privileged users to create, modify, and delete associations between the sources of printed output and selected destinations. Nonprivileged users can view the current associations and their settings.
The Separators function enables you to create and modify site-defined separator pages for one or more specific devices within the Print System. The Separators window enables you to view and manipulate the current list of separator pages.
The Print Center log-on dialog box provides the Connect as MCP User option. This option enables you to establish a Print Center session under MCP usercode and password credentials.
The Page Preview Window shows how a selected file or print file looks when printed based on the current page composition layout. The window controls enable you to quickly navigate, zoom, view margins, and display the page in a vertical format.
New Features/Enhancements
(NFS) Print Center now supports both unencrypted and TLS encrypted TCP connections to the MCP system.
Ordering Information
Print Center is included as part of the operating environment. Source code is not available for this product.
Product Information
Refer to the Print Center Help (8808 0759) for more information.