Data Comm ALGOL Compiler

Product Overview

The Data Comm ALGOL Compiler includes all of the constructs of the Extended ALGOL compiler and also includes constructs that have application in the control and implementation of a data communications environment.

General Features

Data Comm ALGOL contains constructs that create messages, insert them into queues, remove them from queues, and combine, create, or change queues. A program that controls the data communications environment using these constructs is called a Message Control System (MCS). The combination of ALGOL and these constructs makes Data Comm ALGOL an extremely efficient implementation language.

Note: Any enhancements made to ALGOL also apply to Data Comm ALGOL.

Client Queue

Client Queue adds syntax to Data Comm ALGOL. Using this syntax, each client of a connection library can supply a Data Comm ALGOL queue. The connection library can use this queue to send messages back to the client. Currently, connection libraries can be used for two-way communication. Because of the graphs that the MCP must use to manage two-way connections, the existing two-way passing technique can cause application-scaling problems. The Client Queue provides a way to use connection libraries for two-way communication without the application scaling penalty of two-way graph edges.

Link Event to Queue

Through library export, the MCP provides a queue capability that links events to queues. After an event is linked using this capability, if the event occurs, a predefined message is added to the queue. You can use this mechanism to

  • Enable a program to wait on a dynamically selected set of events.

  • Establish two-way communication between a library and its clients without the large overhead associated with two-way connection libraries.

  • Write complex multistack applications that scale well.

Reporting ControlCard Job Messages through Queue

The interface REPORTING_CONTROLCARD is exported from the MCP. This interface can be used by a Data Comm ALGOL program to start a WFL job. One of the parameters to the interface is a queue. All messages produced by the job are put into that queue. The program invoking the interface can extract the messages from the queue to display what the job is doing.

This interface is similar to the existing CONTROLCARD API in that it is used to programmatically launch a WFL job. However, with REPORTING_CONTROLCARD, the launching program is able to monitor the actions of the job and potentially take actions based on the progress of the job.

Ordering Information




The ordering style for the Data Comm ALGOL compiler is CSP10nn-ALG, where nn represents performance groups 10 through 160 (in increments of10).

Source code is available for this product. You can license it separately.

Product Information

Refer to the DCALGOL Programming Reference Manual (8600 0841) for more information.