Workload Management for ClearPath MCP

Product Overview

Workload Management for ClearPath MCP enables you to simplify the process of managing workloads. You can specify the performance level required for applications to match your business goals and priorities. The system determines the amount of resources, such as processor usage, needed to meet a goal. Workload Management for ClearPath MCP constantly monitors the system and automatically adjusts processing to meet the specified goals.

Workload Management for ClearPath MCP consists of the following major components:

  • Workload Manager

  • Workload Center

General Features

Workload Management for ClearPath MCP is a management tool that simplifies the process of managing a system’s workload. It provides the following:

  • Real-time monitoring of system resource usage by workload groups defined by Unisys and by users

  • Control and monitoring of metered MIPS usage by applications running on metered ClearPath MCP servers

  • Dynamic resource balancing to meet business-level rules

  • Runaway program detection that protects CPU usage of the MCP system

  • Host event notifications of process and system events that affect the performance of the system and its workload

  • Automatic user-definable actions in response to unexpected process and system events

  • Historical reporting on workload usage, performance goal compliance, and individual process resource usage

  • Tracking and reporting on system-wide metered MIPS usage and MCP operating system MIPS usage that cannot be charged back to a specific process

  • Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption for secure data exchange between the Workload Center and the MCP server

Some of the benefits of Workload Management for ClearPath MCP are that it

  • Reduces the need for specialized, technical skills

  • Enables you to organize, manage, and monitor your workloads according to business goals

  • Allows business-critical applications to receive the resources they require while less important applications run as resources are available

  • Protects your CPU usage and shows where your CPU (MIPS) dollars are being spent

  • Makes your system more adaptive and responsive to changing environments

Workload Center

Workload Center is the interface to Workload Manager. This interface provides a centralized location from which you can simultaneously administer, control, and monitor workload configurations on qualified ClearPath MCP servers connected to the network.

New Features/Enhancements

The new feature/enhancement for this release is an NFS that enhances the Workload Center to report information on the Calibration Ratio and CPU Seconds in the results pane of the Hosts node and on the CPU Statistics: Standard screen for consumption-based hosts. Information on the Calibration Ratio and CPU Seconds is also returned when you issue the NA WLM STATUS and NA WLM VERSION commands for consumption-based hosts.

Configuration Requirements

MCP Environment

  • See the Compatibility Matrices at the URL below.

  • MCPServer (installed automatically with WLMSUPPORT)

Windows Environment

  • See the Windows operating system Compatibility Matrices at: the URL below.

  • See the Microsoft .NET Framework Compatibility Matrices at the URL below.

  • MCPInfo (installed automatically with Workload Center)

Compatibility Matrices at

Ordering Information

Workload Management for ClearPath MCP is included as part of the operating environment for ClearPath servers. Source code is not available for this product.

Product Information

Refer to the following documents for more information:

  • Workload Center Help (3850 8123)

  • Workload Management User’s Guide (3850 8115)

  • Workload Management for ClearPath MCP Metering Data Collection Guidelines (8207 3693)

  • Workload Management for ClearPath MCP Planning and Implementation Guidelines (8207 3685)