Product Overview
Transaction Center enables you to easily and quickly configure and control the Transaction Server from a Windows workstation. The Transaction Center interface is consistent with the other centers used by ClearPath MCP servers.
General Features
Transaction Center
Provides dialog boxes from which you can point and click to select from a specified list.
Contains Update windows that provide immediate verification of a user’s input data. Similarly, configuration elements that are created to duplicate an existing element propagate all the attributes of the duplicated element.
Represents with text—for ease of understanding—attributes that are numerically represented in the Program Agent Facility (PAF).
Provides access to the configuration file and operations commands through the PAF interface.
Supports all current Transaction Server commands that are available through PAF.
Provides a wizard for configuring applications.
New Features/Enhancements
The new feature/enhancement for this release is an NFS that provides an option in Transaction Center to direct output to a file.
Ordering Information
Transaction Center is included as part of the operating environment for ClearPath servers. Source code is available for this product. It is included as part of the operating environment source products, which you can license separately.
Product Information
Refer to the Transaction Center Help (8807 9488) for more information.
Refer to the following documents for more information:
Distributed Systems Services Operations Guide
Transaction Server for ClearPath MCP Programming Guide