Database Interpreter

Product Overview

Database Interpreter is an independent, flexible alternative to accessing and updating Enterprise Database Server databases through traditional programmatic access. This database access is achieved through specialized verbs supported by a variety of language compilers. The compilers recognize these special verbs at compile time and directly translate them into calls on the database. The result is a tailored access path that offers optimal run-time performance for Enterprise Database Server databases.

Database Interpreter dynamically executes Enterprise Database Server access verbs at run time in contrast with the predefined, tailored access path of the compilers. Although this technique requires a small amount of additional processor time, programs can be written independently of any particular database. In addition, languages that do not support standard Enterprise Database Server verbs can access Enterprise Database Server databases using Database Interpreter.

General Features

Database Interpreter enables you to choose the best database interface technique on a program-by-program basis. Application programs using the tailored access paths and programs through the interpretive interface supported by Database Interpreter can concurrently access the same databases. A single program can invoke multiple Database Interpreter libraries if access to multiple databases is required. You can maintain program independence from database definition changes, because recompilation is not required.

By enabling queries to be defined at run time, Database Interpreter makes Enterprise Database Server information accessible to a broad range of users.

Ordering Information




The ordering style for Database Interpreter is CSP 10nn-DMT, where nn represents performance groups 10 through 160 (in increments of 10).

Source code is included with the Enterprise Database Server product, when you license the source code.

Product Information

Refer to the Enterprise Database Server Interpretive Interface Programming Reference Manual (8600 0155) for more information.