Report Program Generator (RPG) Compiler

Product Overview

Report Program Generator (RPG) is a simple, easy-to-use programming language. The standard programming forms are self-documenting and require limited learning time. The simplicity of RPG helps reduce program development time, and a number of extensions increase the effectiveness of the language as a convenient, low-cost programming tool.

General Features

Object programs generated by the RPG compiler are fully reentrant and automatically take advantage of the virtual memory services provided by the MCP. On enterprise server systems, RPG contains unique extensions to enable programs to access and update Enterprise Database Server databases and to take advantage of the message routing and other capabilities provided by the Transaction Server.

Ordering Information




The ordering style for the RPG compiler is CSP 10nn-RPG, where nn represents performance groups 10 through 160 (in increments of 10).

Source code is available for this product. You can license it separately.

Product Information

Refer to the following documents for more information:

  • Report Program Generator (RPG) Programming Reference Manual, Volume 1: Basic Implementation (8600 0544)

  • Report Program Generator (RPG) Programming Reference Manual, Volume 2: Product Interfaces (8600 0742)