Table of Contents
- Disk Encryption
- Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)
- Unisys Locum Security, Alerting, Assessment, Auditing, and Administration Products
- Multi-Factor Authentication
- Operating Environment Encryption Option
- Secure Access Control Module
- Secure File Transfer for ClearPath MCP
- Secure Shell (SSH) for ClearPath MCP
- Security Center
- Security Software Developer's Kit (SDK)
- Security Support Library
- Tape Encryption
We live in a word with increasing threat to IT systems and information security. When a business does not immediately detect attempts to access sensitive information, serious legal consequences and exceptional financial and risk issues can result. Thus, taking a holistic approach to system and sensitive data protection is vitally important. Although ClearPath MCP systems are considered inherently secure, risks can remain. This section describes the security products available to support the secure operation of ClearPath servers.
The following products are described in this section:
Disk Encryption
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)
Unisys Locum Security Alerting, Assessment, Auditing, and Administration Products
Unisys Locum RealTime Monitor
Unisys Locum SafeSurvey
Unisys Locum SecureAudit
Unisys Locum Safe & Secure
Multi-Factor Authentication
Operating Environment Encryption Option
MCP Cryptographic Services
ClearPath Secure Transport (SSL/TLS)
ClearPath Kerberos Security
Remote Web Enabler ODT Communications Secure Sockets Layer (MCPvm systems only)
McpCryptoApi for User Applications
Internet Protocol Security (IPsec)
Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6)
Secure Shell (Secure File Transfer Protocol)
XML Encryption
Secure Access Control Module
Password Management Facility
Secure Accountability Facility
Secure Identification Facility
Secure File Transfer for ClearPath MCP
Secure Shell (SSH) for ClearPath MCP
Security Center
Security Software Developer’s Kit
Security Support Library
Tape Encryption