Database Operations Center

Product Overview

Database Operations Center enables experienced Enterprise Database Server database administrators (DBAs) to perform familiar administrative tasks—such as recovery, reorganization, backup, analysis, and Remote Database Backup configuration—in a Windows environment. Database Operations Center can help you with the execution and monitoring (through e-mail notification) of database tasks. Database schema management is also integrated into this product.

Database Operations Center offers the following advantages:

  • Ease of use. Database administrators and managers can use a familiar Windows interface to navigate Enterprise Database Server databases.

  • Improved productivity. Database Operations Center interoperates with Enterprise Database Server utilities and generates syntax.

  • Flexibility. A command-line interface is available for those DBAs who prefer to enter command syntax instead of using the GUI.

  • Saved Requests. The Command Store Utility (CSU) enables users to save, reuse, and share requests.

General Features

  • Single point of control for all the database utilities

  • Database management of multiple MCP servers from a single console

  • Calendar-based scheduling of database maintenance jobs

  • Monitoring of database jobs initiated from the Database Operations Center, including e-mail notifications

  • Ability to store commands and retrieve them later for transmission

  • Interaction of users with database jobs to

    • View and respond to waiting RSVP messages.

    • Terminate jobs.

    • Download reports and job logs using FTP after a job completes.

    • Receive e-mail messages containing event notifications plus report and log attachments after a job completes.

  • Smart prefill, which prefills the information for users, thus preventing user errors.

  • Portable configuration file (XML file) that contains the configurable parameters of a Database Operations Center session and are portable across workstations.

  • Role-based access control that enables an administrator to control which DOC functions a user can execute on an individual Enterprise Database Server database.

Enterprise Database Server Script Generator

DOC provides the capability to generate customizable Work Flow Language (WFL) scripts for Enterprise Database Server administrative tasks. The ability to generate scripts increases the administrator’s productivity and reduces the risk of human errors when performing Enterprise Database Server administration.

DASDL Import/Export Feature

The DASDL import/export feature of the Database Operations Center interface enables you to store existing DASDL schema descriptions in the MetaStore database and generate DASDL source from the MetaStore database.

The key capabilities of this feature include the ability to

  • Manage the schemas of existing Database Enterprise Server databases.

  • Check in schemas from Database Enterprise Server database description files into the MetaStore database.

  • View the schemas in the MetaStore database in a tree structure.

  • Deploy the schema from the MetaStore database to create the database.

Ordering Information

Database Operations Center is included in the operating environment. Source code is not available for this product.

Product Information

Refer to the following documents for more information:

  • Database Operations Center Help (8999 5211)

  • Database Operations Center Getting Started Guide (3845 8220)

  • Importing and Exporting Database Schemas User’s Guide (3845 8238)