Product Overview
Unisys Agile Business Suite is a model-driven development toolset that enables you to rapidly build, deploy, run, and maintain business-critical applications for multiple operating environments.
AB Suite Developer makes use of the Visual Studio IDE of Microsoft.
Agile Business Suite Runtime for the ClearPath MCP Operating System provides the infrastructure that manages and supports applications that are generated by Agile Business Suite Developer and run on Unisys ClearPath MCP Systems.
Using Agile Business Suite Developer, you can define a platform-independent model (PIM) of a business application and generate it for either Microsoft .NET Framework or Unisys ClearPath MCP. The generated solution can include the database, online transactions, batch reports, and a variety of end-user or programming interfaces, including Web services. Regardless of the platform of choice, Agile Business Suite optimizes the generated solution for that operating environment.
The recently released integration with ClearPath ePortal offers ClearPath EAE and AB Suite users a complete set of additional options to build and use User Interfaces, like for all smart phones.
General Features
Agile Business Suite Runtime
Agile Business Suite Runtime for ClearPath MCP provides the following features:
Support for high-volume transactions and reports that are optimized for the COMS transaction manager
Database audit and recovery routines to automatically code the high-availability capabilities in the model
Built-in, application-level security to manage access to specific transactions or reports by usercode or group
Intersystem communications mechanisms to enable generated Agile Business Suite solutions to seamlessly interact with other applications, enabling a Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA)
Runtime Transfer Utility (RTU) to easily move Agile Business Suite solutions among production systems, ensuring consistency and auditability, and avoid application downtime when generating a new release of a solution
Application Program Interfaces (APIs) for all supported end-user client options including those generated using Agile Business Suite and those developed with other tools
Agile Business Suite Developer
Agile Business Suite Developer is a Windows-based tool that enables developers to work collaboratively with end users to create transaction-oriented business solutions. It is built on Microsoft Visual Studio and adds model-driven development techniques along with the ability to generate a complete solution for multiple deployment environments. It consists of the following highly integrated modules:
System Modeler, which is the primary UML-based design and development tool
SQL Server-based repository, which stores information about all aspects of the solution
Debugger, which executes unit and functional tests
Builder, which automatically generates and deploys the application
Client Tools generators, which can be used to automatically produce various end-user interface options from a single screen definition. These end-user options include:
ASP .NET Web forms
Visual Basic .NET clients
Web Services
Presentation Client, a graphical interface that can be distributed to the desktop or function as a browser-based interface
XML input file for ePortal Developer
Configuration Requirements
For configuration information for the various releases, check the Software Qualification and Support Matrix files at the following URL:
For more information, refer to the Unisys Product Support website.
Ordering Information
Contact your Unisys representative to determine the proper licensing styles you need for your particular environment, or, refer to the appropriate Agile Business Suite Release 6.1 Software Release Announcement.
Source code is not available for this product.
Product Information
Refer to the following documents for more information:
Agile Business Suite Installation and Configuration Guide (3826 5815)
Agile Business Suite Component Enabler User Guide (3826 5872)
Agile Business Runtime for the ClearPath MCP Administration Guide (3833 4033)
Agile Business Suite Runtime for the Windows® Operating System Administration Guide (3826 5856)
Agile Business Suite Developer User Guide (3826 5823)
Agile Business Suite ClearPath MCPRuntime Software Release Announcement (3833 4041)
Agile Business Suite Windows Runtime Software Release Announcement (3826 5948)
Agile Business Suite Developer Software Release Announcement (3826 5930)
Agile Business Suite Automated Test Tool Guide (8207 2901)
Agile Business Suite LDL+ Programming Reference Manual (3826 5849)
Agile Business Migration Reference Manual (8222 3967)
Enterprise Application Environment to Agile Business Suite Migration Guide (3826 5922)