COBOL74 Test and Debug System (TADS)

Product Overview

COBOL74 Test and Debug System (TADS) enables you to monitor and control the execution of the software being tested and to examine the data at any given point during program execution. COBOL74 TADS uses commonly understood interactive terms such as procedure names, variable names, source statement sequence numbers, and COBOL74 expression syntax. It does not require that you be familiar with the details of the enterprise server hardware architecture.

General Features

COBOL74 TADS enables you to interactively test and debug application programs and modules. You can suspend test program execution or interrupt it with breakpoint commands that you can set for individual variable conditions or for automatic fault conditions. A breakpoint interrupt enables you to interrogate data and conditions leading up to the condition that caused the interrupt.

You can display the flow of program execution to view the history of active procedures and the current position of the program. Statistics provide you with information about program statements that were not executed and the number of times specific statements were executed, along with information about the change of values during the execution phase.

You can store a series of commands to be used for controlled, automated testing. TADS stores the results so you can compare iterations of program testing for the effects of program modification or changes in program parameters.

TADS.View, an Editor enhancement, provides an improved and consistent user interface for TADS users. For additional information, refer to the description with the Editor product in this section.

Configuration Requirements

COBOL74 compiler

Ordering Information




The ordering style for COBOL74 TADS is CSP 10nn-CTD, where nn represents performance groups 10 through 160 (in increments of 10).

Source code is available for this product. You can license it separately.

Product Information

Refer to the COBOL ANSI-74 Test and Debug System (TADS) Programming Guide (8600 2151) for more information.