Product Overview
Operations Center is a Windows-based application that enables you to manage jobs and tasks in both the MCP and Windows server environments.
General Features
View and manage tasks in a Windows environment.
Add, delete, and modify job queues in a Windows environment.
Perform many system commands for peripheral devices (such as PER and OL).
Facilitate input through familiar Windows concepts such as dialog boxes and buttons.
Create customized views (such as using fields, highlighting, and sort criteria).
Manage tasks on more than one Windows Server including the ability to
Refresh the attributes associated with a single entry (mix number or device number) or all entries (both mix and device number) by using the latest values from the MCP that are available for these attributes.
Use five-digit mix numbers.
Display rebranded names for licensed products with the User Licensing command.
Configuration Requirements
To manage Windows tasks, your PC must be running a compatible operating system. For more information, see the compatibility matrices at:
Ordering Information
Operations Center is included as part of the operating environment. Source code is not available for this product.
Product Information
Refer to the Operations Center Help for more information.